While I’m sharing on the Administrative front….

I am immediately notified every time there is a failed attempt to login to the Slabbed New Media website and these events, complete with external IP addresses are cataloged and saved.

The Slabbed website has been under cyber attack for the past three weeks, nothing serious, my guess being some loser with lots of spare time on his hands that systematically enters the same user name hundreds of times with different password combos with each bad try locked out then rerouting using The Onion Router (TOR) moving on to the next user name/password combo try. This method is very clumsy and time consuming thus the “loser with lots of spare time” hypothesis.

But TOR has its limitations including sometimes routing via exit nodes that are unencrypted and if those exit nodes happen to be in the US, then there is a remedy.

To be continued.

2 thoughts on “While I’m sharing on the Administrative front….”

  1. Holy Highjackoffing Hoes, Batman

    Must be the Russian Mayor in Bay Satan Louis’ Council Chambers or the Chinese in Nova Scrotumia?

    By remedy yo’ talkin’ reverse worm, retro-virus or a Trojan horse with Dudley Do-Right riding backward ?

  2. lockem, this (“Holy Highjackoffing Hoes, Batman”) is the PERFECT line to use in asking Doug whether he’s seen this video interview with Louisiana gubernatorial candidate David Vitter’s second Wendy, who did indeed fit that job description:

    “Saturday, October 17, 2015
    David Vitter – Interview with Wendy Ellis, October 13, 2015

    The following interview segments are with former prostitute, Wendy Ellis, also known as Wendy Cortez in original stories that surfaced from Hustler magazine back in 2007. Ellis originally came forward with allegations that she had serviced Vitter here in New Orleans during the height of the prostitution scandal involving the D.C. madame, Debra Jean Palfrey,”

    snagged by New Orleans’ own American Zombie: http://www.theamericanzombie.com/2015/10/david-vitter-interview-with-wendy-ellis.html . Wendy #2’s sharing isn’t particularly administrative, but there seems to be enough of it to make Mississippi’s neighbor Louisiana look particularly moronic if Vitter does make it to da gubna’s mansion (let’s ‘ope not, guv).

    P.S. Really sorry about the admin issue, Doug, but knowing you I’ll bet you’ve already taken some shrewd guesses.

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