While I’m sharing on the Administrative front….

I am immediately notified every time there is a failed attempt to login to the Slabbed New Media website and these events, complete with external IP addresses are cataloged and saved.

The Slabbed website has been under cyber attack for the past three weeks, nothing serious, my guess being some loser with lots of spare time on his hands that systematically enters the same user name hundreds of times with different password combos with each bad try locked out then rerouting using The Onion Router (TOR) moving on to the next user name/password combo try. This method is very clumsy and time consuming thus the “loser with lots of spare time” hypothesis.

But TOR has its limitations including sometimes routing via exit nodes that are unencrypted and if those exit nodes happen to be in the US, then there is a remedy.

To be continued.

A note to the Candidates and Political Operatives Stealing Intellectual Property from Slabbed New Media

Back during the Mississippi primary campaign I was aware that intellectual property from this website was used in certain campaign advertisements. I gave use permission to everyone that had the courtesy to ask on the caveat that Slabbed New Media, LLC being attributed as the source.

I have become aware that certain campaigns and candidates for political office in Louisiana have taken intellectual material from this interactive website for use in their campaign ads and solicitations without attribution nor the consent of Slabbed New Media, LLC.

Please consider this a polite cease and desist. Slabbed New Media will seek legal remedies to those candidates or public relation firms that disregard this post.

During the past eight years running Slabbed…..

When it came to asinine lawsuits I thought we’ve pretty much seen it all but we have a new winner.

8-year-old Westport boy on trial for exuberance ~ Daniel Tepfer

The headline is somewhat misleading because the boy is now 12, but the fact his Aunt is suing him for four year old hug related injuries is a fact.

Jennifer Connell claims the boy, Sean Tarala of Westport, acted unreasonable when he leaped into her arms, causing her to fall on the ground and break her wrist four years ago. This week Connell is asking a six-member Superior Court jury to find the boy liable for his actions.

She is seeking $127,000 from the boy, who she described as always being “very loving, sensitive,” toward her. The boy is the only defendant in the case.

In court Friday, the boy, now 12 years old, appeared confused as he sat with his father, Michael Tarala, in the Main Street courtroom. The boy’s mother, Lisa Tarala, died last year.

Reader comments suggest she is after the proceeds of her Sister’s life insurance policy. As for Sean my advice would be for him to keep very far away from his crazy-ass Aunt.

Burnin’ Rubber in the Bay

“We worry about the potential of people burning out, running into traffic and running into a bunch of people,” Dobbs said. “It also tears up the road. It just blows my mind when other cities allow it. We have zero tolerance for it.” ~ Biloxi Police after DUI arrest Cruisin’ the Coast 2015

The following comment was left on a Facebook post featuring the Youtube video above:

It’s official next year I will make my way to the bay …because the cops are dicks on the other end of 90 about the burn outs ..

I look at that Youtube video and can safely predict that it is a matter of time before people get hurt on Main Street in Bay St Louis during a future Cruising the Coast because it’s not a matter of if but when.

File this one under Country Boys gone to town.