From the Slabbed foreign policy bureau: Making sense of Syria

Unless you believe our Military is run by a bunch of amateurs which I do not:

Viral Video Claims To Prove US Support Of ISIS In Iraq ~ Tyler Durden Zerohedge

After all, shouldn’t US warplanes have been doing for the past year what Putin’s air force has been busy with in the past 14 days?

One answer, and a rather provocative one as it goes counter to everything that US has publicly claimed, comes courtesy of Hayder al-Khoei, an associate fellow at Chatham House, who notes that “another ‘U.S. supports ISIS’ video is going viral in Iraq.” In the video US “parachutes & supply crates” are seen in the area of Iraq’s Baiji refinery, a site of recurring ISIS incursions and battles. He adds that “Vids like this & others of helos flying above Hashd/ISF positions towards ISIS-held areas reinforce narrative that US supports ISIS in #Iraq.”

When Putin and the Russians set up their operating base in Syria a month or so ago (Zerohedge reported on this well before the US Mainstream Media) my thoughts turned to the Netflix smash hit House of Cards. So while the right wing of the US main stream media paints the conflict as a religious conflict, fermenting hate towards Muslims in general and the left wing of the US Main Stream media shows the bodies of war refugee children washing ashore in Turkey focusing on the humanitarian disaster with both consistently parroting Israeli government propaganda, maybe folks this war is like the last few – over Oil and Natural Gas, specifically the Qatar-Turkey Pipeline that can’t be built without the approval of the Syrian Government, which Assad has steadfastly prevented in favor of one that runs from Iran through Iraq to Damascus Syria. These pipelines have been spun several different ways per my Google searches on this topic which is sure sign of a misinformation campaign but then Wikileaks published the State Department Cable Gate documents showing a US plan to destabilize Syria dating back to 2006 making the news last month in the process.

This war is about where Western Europe will gets its oil and gas. Maybe the US should find ways to extricate itself from the quagmire that is the Middle East instead of going in even deeper.

5 thoughts on “From the Slabbed foreign policy bureau: Making sense of Syria”

  1. So far the WoT has cost the U.S. 6639 lives according to Wikipedia and the insurgents are still running wild. Now we are dealing with additional groups like ISIS.

    I have always found it rather strange that it took the bombing of the WTC to bring this massive threat to light. Prior to the bombing of the WTC, most Americans knew of the looney goons in the Middle East, but it seems the threat is a lot greater now.

    I remember back in the 1st Gulf War the U.S. rolled in with extreme firepower and masses of troops. In short time, the war was over. Although I still think Bush stopped short but that’s another discussion.

    It seems now that for the most part, the U.S. is simply stirring up hornets nests taking a few out here and there.

  2. For Eye-Spy: Pls do not take Wikipedia for gospel … having been there and done that – the real number is well beyond 10,000 in the WoT. AND ISIS IS the group that has surpassed all those other ‘groups’ … as ISIS has coopted the smaller groups who all happen to be Islamic.
    You are correct … we knew these “looney goons” were “looney goons” and there were a number of us in the intelligence world – who being politically incorrect / and truthful no matter what question was asked – told the politicos since Pres Reagan, that the real threat would be Iran.
    Pres. GHW Bush should have never gone after Saddam but rather Iran … Pres GW Bush made the same mistake as his father … Saddam like Assad in Syria – as bad as he is – does stabilize those “looney goons”.
    You are correct … we not only stirred up a hornets nest but knocked the “blessed thing down” …
    We have missed our chance to Destroy Iran’s radical leadership … selectively neutralized the radicals and then left the region to tend to itself “without our help” …
    After 41 yrs of service in the DoD, I can tell you – let those Islamic loonies fight it out among themselves. AND do not allow any of them into our country … Islam is not compatible with a Representative Democracy.

    1. GN

      I know what your saying. Trust me, I do not take Wikipedia for granted and realize it’s not 100% credible. I figured it would be good enough to make a point.

      I think the U.S. Should reserve a few 15-20 megaton’s for Damascus and Tehran. I say this because I believe radical Islam would fold just as quick as the Japs did after we delivered 2 heavy blows in WWII.

    2. Of course, I mentioned the nuclear attack due to the fact that you mentioned Iran as a threat. I have conversed on that subjust before but if they are such a threat, why hasn’t the U.S. Gone after them? They are far weaker than Iraq so I would not suspect they would put up much of a fight.

      1. Pls remember … the Iranians are not Arab … they are Pathan… with a mixture of Greek and Mongol genetics thrown in … but more importantly the Iranians have had a large business community interest in the USA since before WWII … a good read is the Kipling book “Kim” … about the Great Game … between Great Britain France and Russia to control the subcontinent and Persian Gulf region … trade routes and oil … and world domination

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