At this point it is worth wondering if the refusal to allow married clergy…

Is the institutional way the Catholic Church remains some sort of Gay Mens club with Nambla like features.

Stone County priest accused in sexual battery of boy in Jones County ~ Robin Fitzgerald

Transcript | Secrets of the Vatican:

NARRATOR: The world he is describing was captured by reporter Carmelo Abbate, who began a two-year investigation when a gay friend told him he’d just had sex with a priest.

CARMELO ABBATE, Author, Sex and the Vatican: [through interpreter] The priest went on to say, “Actually on Saturday, there will be a party here in Rome, in a club in Testaccio, with me and lots of other priests. We’ve also booked two escorts from Turin, from Piemonte, who will be the entertainers at the party. If you like, you’re invited. I’d love you to join us.”

NARRATOR: Abbate went with his friend to the party and took a hidden camera.

CARMELO ABBATE: [through interpreter] My objective was to write a story for my newspaper, not to make videos. But I knew very well what I was going into. I knew very well how the Church authorities could react. So I wanted to make sure I had evidence to support my story.

NARRATOR: The priest hosting the party greeted them, flanked by the two escorts.

CARMELO ABBATE: [through interpreter] I would have said that half of the people there might have been priests. And it wasn’t just a guess, they introduced themselves as priests.

NARRATOR: Some worked at the Vatican, others in the institutions that cluster around the Vatican in Rome.

CARMELO ABBATE: [through interpreter] The party in Rome ended at my friend’s house. At the end of the party, we all went back to his place. Then my friend and the French priest locked themselves in a bedroom, and I went to sleep in another room.

NARRATOR: The next day, Abbate continued to film.

CARMELO ABBATE: [through interpreter] Then came the moment that I found most shocking of all, and that was the moment that opened my eyes to what was really going on. It wasn’t just a matter of sex. It was something more. So there we were in that atmosphere, in that house where they had had sex all night long, and with that man wearing vestments, and he took out all his paraphernalia and started to celebrate Mass.

10 thoughts on “At this point it is worth wondering if the refusal to allow married clergy…”

  1. Marriage is not the answer to the problems of these sick men. They would make terrible husbands and fathers.
    It is beyond apples and oranges to compare the two.

  2. It would certainly attract some good Catholic men who are just simply living another Sacrament—Holy Matrimony. My argument has always been that the Sacrament of Matrimony trumps that of Holy Orders because it is from Matrimony that we get priests!!! Duh!!

  3. The vow of celibacy is a man made law designed to protect church property. Priests WERE able to marry for several hundred years.

    Make no mistake, a pedophile is a pedophile. Please do not confuse pedophiles with men whose sexual identity maybe gay or “straight”. Just because someone is gay doesn’t mean they are automatically a pedophile too. There are plenty of perverse straight people that we come into contact with on a daily basis, that doesn’t mean they are pedophiles either. Sick maybe, but not pedophiles.

    Pedophiles are their own horrid class. Any person who is capable of sexually assaulting an innocent child has no place in society. Period.

    With this said, the Catholic Church’s self imposed ban on marriage between a man and a woman has created an thriving and powerful “club” for gay men. Not to mention a past that has included a safe haven for pedophiles. One would think they have finally turned the corner on covering up inexcusable acts of depravity on children. However, today’s story reminds us that we still have pedophiles in roles of trust. Just. Sickening.

    It is absolutely ludicrous that the “church” will not accept the reality that it should unequivocally allow priests to marry. Knowing the Catholic Church is the oldest existing government known to man, that will be a tough change to implement. Outside of Pope Francis, the Vatican bureaucracy will do everything in its power to stop it. Those in power do not want to see their power-base erode. Allowing married men to serve as priests would open the gates to so many more that have the calling to serve. They would eventually outnumber and challenge the existing power base….

    You may remember the priest from Germany that was horrified with the debauchery he witnessed while visiting Rome when a DeMedici’s was pope. He certainly changed history when he nailed up his 95 Thesis. Glad Martin Luther had the courage to take the establishment on.

    This theme sound familiar? Money, power, poor decisions, very little vision and little to no accountability.

    Will pray for the victim, his family and others that may have been victimized by this sicko. Will also continue to pray for Catholic Church.

  4. Thanks for your prayers, Coastal Gal, but don’t limit them to Catholics. Other denominations have had incidences of this as well, and their Clergy are married.
    This is not, in my opinion, about Celibacy. It is about a failure on the part of those responsible for the formation of these men to the priesthood. Most importantly, it is the attack on all religions by the Prince of Darkness every chance he gets.

  5. Holy Hidden Heavenly Hoes Batman,

    I was thinking over lunch bout whether I should change religion due to the corruption and immoral filth in Vatican City- then again its like- should I give up my citizenship because of the corruption and filth in Washington,D.C.. Came to the conclusion that it was a big enough challenge to be the Light and Love of Christ in my parish and let Christ take care of the massive evil in Vatican City.

    Like in the time of Christ there were money changers at the temple gates and he turned them over, lets pray that Pope Francis starts riding in a bulletproof pope-mobile so he can eventually eliminate the Curia in Vatican City and issue an edit allowing marriage which should “flush” the gay priest clubs down where they belong.

    NOTE:Da’ poor Cavaliers don’t know nuthing bout how yo’ get a rock-a-claw off yo’ ass so may you and Robin crucify big, bad Brother Martin tonite ( game of week on Cox CST) and after running to the promised land may hundreds of Ms.Batman’s pizza rolls rain down like manna into the Bat Cave. Amen.

    1. We’re swapping Brother Martin stories over here today because while he founded the school he retired to St Stanislaus. I could be wrong but I think he was at SSC before he went to NOLA.

      An old school alum I won’t name often tells the story about getting back from his tour of duty in Vietnam in the Marines flying in to NOLA, diverting to Brother Martin for some spiritual counseling before going home in the Bay. Since they were of age Brother also treated them to as many beers as they could drink. That is old school Catholicism Lockie.

      Those of us that came later knew Brother Martin as a avid hunter and hunting dog aficionado. He kept his dogs at the Football Stadium behind the field house.

      As for tonight’s game, the Rocks have not played up to our potential since the Jamboree. If we bring our A game on offense and defense the game should be entertaining. If we play like we did last week at Long Beach it could be ugly.

      1. Holy Deflated Pizza Rolls Batman,

        Just two suggestions for the Rocks’ coach for next game –

        If you can’t catchem to put Rock-a-Claws on their butt-tocks then put them on the bench they sit on but most importantly

        Heck with the Gatorade, its Holy Water all the way.

        1. We’re better than that score. Even worse is we appear to have lost our swagger.

          Next week we play D’Iberville, a 6A team that managed to beat Oak Grove (The premiere 6A program South State) last night.

          What disturbs me the most is I’m sensing an attitude where the kids thought that just because we took it all the way last year means this year is a gimme. Football does not work that way.

          We better step out of the shadows of last year’s football season if we are to make any noise this year.

  6. I’m not sure I agree with the POST or some of the Comments. As someone (now age 67), who grew up Catholic, taught by Nuns in parochial school, taught by Jesuits in High School, and taught by
    “more” Jesuits in College and Law School, I aver that the homosexuals and pedophiles within the Priesthood were and are within the minority, not the majority. NOTHING ever occurred involving me or any of my friends, precipitated by a homosexual or pedophilic priest. Oh, yes: there were some “oddballs” in the group, but we cut them a wide berth, and stayed away from them. What happened to give the Priesthood, and the Catholic Religion, a bad name, was the opening of the ranks of the Priesthood to untold numbers of homosexuals in the late 60’s and thereafter. And while there are statistics on the number of pedophiles in the Priesthood who preyed on “children”, I aver that “MOST” cases of sexual misconduct by priests do not involve innocent “children” at all, but rather “post-pubescent homosexual males”, many of whom had drug habits, and who were “pre-disposed” to sexual liaisons with other homosexuals, regardless of whether they wore cassocks and collars. This situation has been exacerbated by the lure of “green poultice”, through litigation against the Church. In my personal experience, the “normal” priests, who are devoted to tenets of the Priesthood, far outnumber the DEVIANTS, who belong in PRISON, along with the Members of the Hierarchy, who let them “in”. Ashton O’Dwyer.

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