Best thing to happen to the divorce specialized portion of the Bar in US History….

Same-Sex Marriage Is a Right, Supreme Court Rules, 5-4 ~ Adam Liptak

Locally the pipeline of potential new clients begins to fill up and the media is right there documenting the event for posterity.

Supreme Court says same-sex couples have right to marry in all 50 states: Track what’s happening in south Louisiana ~ New Orleans Advocate

I also saw this from the Dallas Morning News via Naomi Martin and Periscope showing the rush at the Dallas County Clerk’s office.

Speaking of Periscope, Slabbed New Media has a new account, which we’ll use occasionally for things like City Council meeting coverage etc. Signing up for Periscope is easy and it all starts with getting a twitter account.

Back to same-sex marriage. Over time the notion that we have second class citizens in the US that somehow deserve less than the full slate of constitutionally afforded protections has been rejected time and again, including today’s Supreme Court ruling. From that perspective I think today’s Supreme Court decision is absolutely the right one.

22 thoughts on “Best thing to happen to the divorce specialized portion of the Bar in US History….”

  1. White Aryan Christian Republican Race of Mississippi has spoken. Governor Bryant will not take down the hate filled confederate battle flag. State Attorney General Hood will not obey the Supreme Court and allow Gay marriage. They are defining what it is to be American and what it is to be an American Christian in an awful an hateful way and like back in the 1950s and 60s the rest of the country is watching and will remember our hate filled ways.

  2. Point Park,
    Attorney General Hood is waiting the 25 days process for appeals to the Fifth Circuit to play out.
    For those who think the Flag generates so much hate, where have you been? You should have been organizing a movement to take it down long ago. If it has been such a negative influence Miss. why weren’t there violent protests when four blacks killed a white police officer last month?
    Let’s clean up our currency too. We carry around on our wallets images of quite a few who were slave owners.
    Of the 60 million who live in the southern states who fly this offensive flag, ONE drug addicted mental patient commits a horrible crime under its influence, and everyone is indicted as race mongers.
    While there have been many documented injustices over the years, this too is an unfair accusation.
    Taking down flags and turning in our guns will not cure mental illness and drug abuse, the two major contributing factors in The murders in South Carolina. Listen to some mental health professionals, if you don’t believe me. And we go merrily along skimming over them fretting over flags and gun control.

  3. Lana:

    I’m wit you sister on yo’ comments 100%.

    The Pool dude in Charleston was just a “vessel ” of evil which was created/stirred up and caused directly by the many racial incidents/riots set in motion by “career” black criminals, their racist supporters/ leaders who have caused black witnesses to openly lie ( Ferguson, Kansas), endorsed by our ex- Attorney General and openly supported by the unfactual, off the cuff prejudicial/ wrong judgments by our first black president. Who by the way promised uniting America in his pre-election speeches, yet now as a lame “*uck” president we finally begin to see his lies about uniting America.

    There has been an accelerant applied to the recent fiery erroneous allegations of unjust harassment of blacks by police lodged by black leaders of cities, democratic cities for 30-40 years, like Baltimore, Md.. The Democratic black leaders don’t want to be held responsible for their liberal folly so they blame it all on scapegoats ( white/police racism) and of course not on the degradation and destruction of the black family, lack of family discipline/control, failure of family responsibility, etc. which they chronically have failed to address in their Reign of Terror.

    I only saw ONE responsible mother out of thousands catch a black rioter and yank his chain for throwing rocks. Why is that?

    And if you heard our president’s wonderful eulogy in Charleston he had to and could not resist again applying accelerant to his evil racism so much so I feel he has blood on his hands in Charleston for creating unprecedented racial tension and empowering mental impaired souls like Pool, to do evil and for what ? – all for black voters to get stirred up and put the next democratic president in Washington so she can “create special neighborhoods” with and under Washington control! What the hell , is she telling us Title 8 and the all new. beautiful townhouses in NOLA for blacks are not good enough for the entitled race ?

    And how about the immediate desires of those block blackvote dependent democratic politicos ( better known as racist politico whores), like Half- Moon Landrieu, and are we going to see monuments to Robert E. Lee, P.G. Beauregard and others torn down in NOLA?

    I say Bullshit and HELL NO! And I’m curious in what Jindal , who is now openly condemning the internal division of America by the many Afro-American, Latino-American, Native-American ethnicity crap titles; has to say about destroying all said monuments.

    I’ve heard rumors that Christian religious groups, pushed to the wall recently by Obamacare (nationwide payments for birth-control) and now universal gay marriages nation-wide, will now start to protest in large numbers. Praise the Lord cause He did not create men and women to get married homosexually and not procreate His Wonderful Creation of the Human Body. This is the final destructive nail into the family unit for good and don’t tell me the BS lie that gays will adopt and raise proper sexually oriented youth.

    Finally, blind Washington whores can’t understand why the Radical Muslims want to destroy our decaying Nation of Babel, yet I can understand it in a way as they want to rid the world of Evil and there is an ever increasing abundance of it if you just Spiritually dare to open yo’ eyes and ears in America, Europe, etc..

  4. I feel for the next President. He or she is going to be like a parent who wakes up one day and discovers they have a vile juvenile delinquent living under their roof. Undisciplined, unrelenting, and unleashed— and the parent can thank himself.
    But the neighbors are going to get tired of it and that is when Fit is gonna hit the Shan
    And my philosophy is—if I didn’t break it, I don’t have to fix it. We’ll see how victorious they feel then.

  5. I just got back from vacation and all he** has broken loose!!! Everyone is having a fit about the gay marriages and flag issues. Come on folks….we are all humans….let’s do the right thing. After all, the only one who can judge is in heaven – the rest of us have no dogs in the hunt.
    Also, now since gay marriages are allowed in Mississippi, maybe Philly’s son and his partner will come back home from Texas and we will have a happier leader in this State. I am sure that Billy and Philly are very happy with the movement to get rid of the confederate flag and also the same gender marriage blessing. They are probably having a party to celebrate with old Fata$$ as we speak!!! (Yea, sure)
    Gotta go wash clothes – nothing left to wear after the trip – everything is dirty! Will catch up on everything later.

    1. I think that Phil should place his concentration on women who can’t seem to keep cock out of them, and that keep breeding and becoming a financial problem for the tax payers. Oh wait. That practice seems to be morally acceptable in Mississippi provided you beg for Gods forgiveness on Sunday or Wednesday night.

  6. Hood is hiding behind a technicality while the rest of the country obeys the law. You know just because you don’t like taxes don’t mean you have the option not to pay them, it’s the law. And the flag, well I guess you have a point when those little white Ayrain gentlemen were dragging blacks out in the middle of the night for a barn fire they weren’t waving dollar bills at them. My deepest apologies.

  7. Just watched Saturday Night Live which featured a black band with da’ soloist dressed in a hoody, other members wearing T- shits with ” I can’t breathe” and “black lives matter” and of course all giving the Black Power fist up in the air. Seems like we bees back in that era now again due to our wonderful black ass president.

    Ok New York you want some action well you will get /reap what you sow and there will not be a mayor or police to help your white liberal asses out this time around. You like Hillary ,well enjoy the produce of your liberal ex-senator some more and your white liberal mayor who runs the bus over his own police force time and time again.

    It’s the definition of insanity in the big Apple again but leave the Big Easy out of your crazy crap cause we bees cool with all our good bros and da Who Dats here wit da’ Saints.Seems like da’ northern Yankees bees racists this time around while the South chills in love and Spiritual Grace. Maybees da North might want to secede from da’ union?

  8. Hey! Doug: What a “courageous stance” by you and your web-site, viz., ” … I think the Supreme Court decision is absolutely the right one.” Here’s hoping that you and your kids don’t need a blood transfusion anytime soon, because the male homosexual population have contaminated the blood supply. Their sexually-transmitted disease rates are ASTRONOMICAL compared to the rates among heterosexual males: an astonishing 46 times higher. Check out statistics published by the Center for Disease Control. And what about casual contact, like shaking hands, drinking from the same glass, or sharing food? And what about the “children” that SODOMITE couples might raise? Are THEY going to become “little fruits”, like Mommy and Daddy? I’ll give odds to anyone who wants to place a bet that they will. So the Confederate Battle flag is to be banned, while the “Rainbow SODOMITE flag” colors bathe our “White Mosque” in “gay pride”. And CNN confuses a black flag adorned with “butt-plugs and dildos” for the ISIS flag, carried with “pride” on public streets by celebrating SODOMITES. What is happening to our country? The “MOB” of Cultural Marxists, “din-du-nuffins”, thugs and “hood rats”, supported by the OHOMO “Ministry of Truth” is relegating much of Southern Heritage to “the memory hole”, while ignoring the crime rates among Negro males TOTALLY DISPROPORTIONATE to their numbers in Society (including murder rates of Caucasians by Negros, which the MSM refuses to talk about), the illegitimacy rates in the Negro population, the illiteracy, the inability to speak proper English, sexually-transmitted disease rates much higher than the ASTRONOMICAL STD rate among male fruits and queers, and looting, pillaging, burning and destroying at the drop of a hat. And I am as much “offended” by the flags of The Nation of Islam, the “Black Flag of Liberation”, by the Martin Luther King (a philandering Communist) statute, and the name “Martin Luther King Blvd.” as Negros are offended (I’m 67 years old and NO NEGRO has EVER told me that these things “offended” him or her previously) by the Confederate flag, the Robert E. Lee statute or the name “Robert E. Lee Blvd.” I am sick and tired of MOB RULE in our country, and the cultural genocide which I am being subjected to by @ 13% of the population. Sign me out as suffering from a very bad case of “NEGRO FATIGUE”. Ashton O’Dwyer. P.S. And as for the 5 lawyers on SCOTUS that created a constitutional right that simply does not appear anywhere in the U.S. Constitution, remember that it only took 5 votes to DEPRIVE that most helpless creatures on the face of the earth of the most precious “right” of all: namely, the right to life itself. WAY TO GO, SCOTUS! If there is a HELL, I hope you go there on Judgment Day. AROD.

  9. “negro fatigue”

    As per urban dictionary:

    1. Spreading like wildfire ever since Ferguson,Mo..
    2. An Elephant Martini shaken, not stirred by an old Grand Wizard will help.
    3. Relocating to New Hampshire where it’s 97% white elites will extend life expectancy.

  10. That it, it’s the Black’s fault, the Hispanic’s fault, and way back in the 1970 the Vietnamese fault. I been hearing this for over 60 years now. It always someone other than the White, Christian, Conservative Republican fault. Everything wrong is someone else’s fault – so when are “they” going to assume some responsibility for anything they did? As far as I can tell no Black legislator passed any state or federal law, as much as they caucused together it took a lot of white legislator to pass the laws we are now stuck with. And FYI I am for social welfare, to a point, but not for permanent unaccountable welfare. Don’t see much use in children starving because of useless adults. Don’t see much use in veterans starving and homeless because our country abandoned them. And I would go back and take another read of the stats you so apt like to quote, there are a lot more whites on welfare than blacks. Conservatives love to use the “percent” mathematical trick to “level the playing field” when discussing social welfare. But in an outright numbers count whites take home the bacon three to one. It’s just a lot harder to look into those blue eyes and feel differently. If you have a problem with the Government “giving” your hard earned money away, I say amen brother; just shouldn’t matter the color of the eyes, color of the skin or the content of the heart. That is if you have one.

  11. Point park:
    How about blacks killing blacks by the thousands – is that the fault of whites? Especially in heavily bankrupt cities like Detroit and Baltimore which have been controlled by black politicos for 30 years- is that due to discrimination or police persecution?
    In Nola we just had an ex- Zulu queen get arrested for allegedly stealing 30 million in Medicaid funds?

    You talk like all the northern New England liberals who just talk , run from the facts and vote for liberal democrats who only know to throw money at problems instead of listening to blacks who have easily overcome their plight i.e. the Ben Carsons of the black community,however it takes discipline and hard work but it usually does even in white populations also.

    I know of whites collecting on false disabilities and working under the table which also makes me sick but I would encourage you to take a trip to Nola and look at the new townhouses built for Title 8 bros and challenge you to investigate how many whites live in those palaces.

  12. Point Park:
    There are probably more whites on welfare than minorities because there are just more whites than minorities.
    I had just arrived at voting age in 1965 when the Civil Rights Act was passed. Actually, the bulk of the opposition to it came from the Democrats.
    I agree with you about welfare. Anyone can have hard times and need help, but unfortunately some have made a career of it.
    Didn’t know about the Zulu Queen. That’s hilarious!

  13. Point Park:
    There are probably more whites on welfare than minorities because there are just more whites than minorities.
    I had just arrived at voting age in 1965 when the Civil Rights Act was passed. Actually, the bulk of the opposition to it came from the Democrats.
    I agree with you about welfare. Anyone can have hard times and need help, but unfortunately some have made a career of it.
    Didn’t know about the Zulu Queen. That’s hilarious!

  14. I am sure some of the Slabbed readers have seen some of my comments before and may get the impression that I could be racist. Everyone is entitiled to their own opinion but I will openly admit that I am against gangster blacks just as I am against rebel flag rednecks, just as I am against unethical women who keep breeding at the tax payers expense.

    I am a firm believer that the black/white relationship in the Deep South would be much better had “heritage” not existed and the whites learned to let it go in the 60s. Additionally, now we are faced with “over correcting” the issue to make it right which has done nothing more than to keep it churning and giving empowerment to people because of the color of their skin. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have rode that horse into the ground.

    When you combine the issues above with the fact that Mississippi is almost ranked last in most everything, it’s a recipe for disaster. We can be thankful of these state rankings because of people like Haley Blubber and Phil Bryant. They need to come to terms that the Rebel south is fading day by day.

    Locke–any chance you and Ashton are thinking I moving to New Hampshire? Hehe
    You are right about blacks killing blacks. I honestly beleive a lot of it is influenced by pop culture and poverty.

  15. I think labeling me New Hampshire Liberal is a little much. How about the whites killing the whites by the thousands? All I’m trying to do is understand the difference? Just seems to me to be a bunch of insane, misguided individuals with not a lot of respect for life or each other. I just don’t see how race, religion, sexual orientation or anything else has much to do with it or why I should account for it. Yes, the Rebel flag should come down from the Mississippi flag. No, it should not be banned. As terrible as it was it was part of our history. But that history is in the past. We should be trying to move forward. Our economy is terrible, tourism is bad, industry is reluctant to locate to our state without major tax sacrifices. And I don’t really give a rolling wheel who is marring who. Doesn’t keep me up at night. If I had to worry about all the Bible condemned to hell, I couldn’t sleep at night. Leviticus alone would send the vast majority of us there. So I just show up to church when I can, pray most days and forgive most everyone and hope everyone forgives me. Lord knows I need it. Good night.

  16. As far as the flag being changed, I don’t really care. We have a lot of icons that could be part of a new flag design–magnolia, pines, seagulls. or the Mockingbird, which may be the state bird. I really don’t want to offend anyone. But, and I am going to repeat myself for the last time—when the flag is redesigned, let’s really get busy combatting drug abuse and helping those suffering from mental illness, the two culprits we cN trace right back to all of these horrible mass murders.
    On the gay marriage issue, and I am not a lawyer (maybe some on this site who are can weigh in) but aside from religious objections, I am concerned about state’s rights. The Supreme Court sat back and allowed 37 states to decide at the state level what they wanted to do about gay marriage, but the other 13 were ‘t moving in the Court’s direction, so the Court imposed their will on them. If that is not discrimination, what is?!

    1. There are a couple of ways this is a Federal issue. The first state to remove the same sex marriage restrictions essentially made same sex marriage legal throughout the country as the legal principles of comity among the states comes into play.

      I’ve only paid cursory attention to the underlying litigation but in my nonlegal opinion, the minute one state such as Mississippi refused to recognize a legal same sex union from the State of Massachusetts this became a Federal issue.

      On a personal level I’m with Charlene on both the issue of tolerance and Phil’s son coming home.

  17. Eye Spy:

    It would be hard for Ashton and I to trade red beans, French bread, bouidin, turtle soup, bbq shrimp, crawfish, LSU, Saints, occasional hurricane(French Quarter type) etc. for what-

    maple syrup, deflated footballs, Lyme disease, an over abundance of snow, liberals –

    “negro fatigue” would have to become debilitating and we could always be airvaced out- he, he he

  18. As a practicing Roman Catholic I could say, “Well, this won’t bother me because civil marriages of any kind are not recognized in the church. But, there are a lot of decent,aw abiding citizens out there who have been married civilly for years, and I can appreciate their position that their marriage is on the same level now with a same sex Union which they may disapprove of. Such a complex issue.
    Doug, have you or anyone else on this site heard the rumblings of our state leaders proposing that Miss. Get out of these ridge license business, and just have them issued from the churches?
    I hope that isnn’t true. This ruling was handed down from a civil court and in my opinion the civil authorities should respond to it.
    As a mother of 3 and grandmother of 5. I am going to refrain from using this issue to expose anyone,s family. I would prefer the Gov. respond as our state official, not as a father–whole different approach and I really don’t know anything about that situation.

  19. Whew! Backed up laundry from vacation is not for the faint of heart! Finally finished and enjoying my coffee this morning….but I digress….

    Seems like all is well in the State this morning. Old Philly and Billy, and Fatty, and Puhl-a$$o, and Pickering and “his dear friends”, and even our Attorney General all appear happy with the new laws of the land. So, maybe we can move forward now and work on being a successful State where successful people want to live. Maybe the young leader – type that have left this State will return home and help us pull the load. Whoever doesn’t want to move forward with this State, need to jump ship and move up to New Hampshire or wherever else they think gays and minorities can’t be found. That goes for the women thing too.
    You know, I have never understood why insecure men are so jealous and intolerant of strong women. They were all birthed by mothers, most have sisters, most are married to a woman who feeds, cooks, washes and raises their children. Why aren’t they deserving of whatever they work for? That needs to be addressed by this State too. It appears to me that the insecure man is the problem in this State. Men that are secure with themselves have no problem with minorities, gays, women, etc. They worry about themselves and family and work to enjoy life. It is usually the short, useless, unskilled, ugly, moral-less, deranged, and uninteresting males that have to bully, steal from, push down, berate. lie about, and try to crush the hard-working average individual due to their own insecurities. Why is that?? I don’t care who you are – if you are a hard-working individual, that earns your keep, pays your taxes, and believes in God, you deserve respect; and you have mine. It’s all the “thieves in power” who are to blame for the downtrodden path Mississippi has taken. Grow up insecure men!!! What if your child (God forbid!) is gay, a female, or minority?? Would you want someone treating them this way??? Just sayin’.
    Does anyone know whay the SH has clammed up Anita Lee?? Is she still investigating the DMR? I am requesting her to visit the Lyman Fish Hatchery and inform us what is happening up there. Maybe Jamie Miller or the PR person at the DMR can give her a tour??? Good luck with that.

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