There are a few respected Journalists that are saying Obama lied about the Bin Laden Raid

Obama lie? Who wudda thunk it?

Actually Seymour Hersh made it onto my radar screen many moons ago at an USM Honors Forum. Good to see he is still kicking ass and taking names as I highly recommend the following:

One thought on “There are a few respected Journalists that are saying Obama lied about the Bin Laden Raid”

  1. Dat Congressman who shouted out “You lie” while the prez was addressing Congress should be honored as a prophetic wise man cause he pre”dick”ed what was gonna cum out of the Chief- Dicktator’s’s racist mouth for the next 8 years.

    And if we think da’ prez now is in fact a pathologic liar then what the hell do we call Hillary who without a thought of self-guilt destroys government e-mails to hide the Clinton Foundation scandals from day one as Secretary of State? Makes Nixon seem angelic does it not ?

    The Rose Law Firm, dead people in Capital Park, stealin everything not bolted down when they left the White House? Finally, the recent destruction of said e-mails is telling of what their next presidency would be like. Especially wit Bill as da’ designated First Lady Cracker Hoe giving $500,000 speeches cause hes gotts “…. to pay me bills” and freely shooting his DNA world-wide to hep all mankind.

    No mo’ Clintons, no mo’ Bushes- I’m thinkin Huckabee Finn, who at one time was a pastor, maybe the next Jimmy Carter without pea- “nuts” ( Remembering Billy Beer , etc.).

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