Comes now into the Court the Glam Queen of New Orleans……

Facebook Photo | SRHS Queen Stephanie Barnes Taylor
Facebook Photo | SRHS Queen Stephanie Barnes Taylor

She’ll put a spell on you……

COMES NOW Stephanie Barnes Taylor (Taylor), by and through the undersigned counsel of record, and files this her Joinder to the request for Disqualification of Trial Judge, Application for Extraordinary Relief and Motion to Stay filed by Singing River Health System, and in support would show unto the Court the following:

  1. Taylor has attempted to stay neutral while other parties engage in procedural volleys in this and other ancillary litigation in state court and parallel litigation in federal court.

  2. Without question, the subject of this and the various related litigation involves substantial sums of money and affects hundreds if not thousands of individuals. The various litigation is subject to intense media scrutiny, strong emotions and unbridled speculation fueled by bloggers and an uninformed public.

My attitude is since the Glam Queen invited us to dance we may want to take her up on it. Meantime here are a couple of links: Continue reading “Comes now into the Court the Glam Queen of New Orleans……”