18 thoughts on “Mayor Holloway takes it to the house”

  1. A J Holloway has been good for the city of Biloxi and deserves to spend the remainder of his years enjoying life. He governed for many years in a simple no nonsense way and ignored those on the city council that viewed ever thing in a negative way. He should always have the respect and appreciation from the citizens of Biloxi, no matter what is said going forward.

    1. The short answer is no. However and just guessing by reading the tea leaves the possibility of an indictment is one I’d rate at very slim odds.

      From what I understand, the next person up will take many people by surprise and will rock the coast (and the state) like none to this point. I would mention a name but (just like with Martin) it would not be fair to the accused so I’ll refrain.

      I am hearing that Sean Anthony has been cooperating with the FBI for quite a long time.

  2. New to this blog and I will definitely recommend it to others. Great job. I also agree that AJ has done good job for Biloxi.

    1. You’ve found an addicting site.

      I’m curious how long Holloway would have been in office, if not for the business-interruption insurance policy that helped so much after Katrina.

  3. WS is probably getting an AG’s opinion right now to see if he can run for both mayor and supervisor at the same time and if he is victorious in both can he serve in both positions at the same time. He has,after all ,been appointed by the Sunherald as “Bioxi’s Next Mayor” and feels he is deserving. We can only hope the rumors are true.

    1. BB,
      He will not be on the ballot for both at the same time. The timing of the mayoral election will be before the BOS election…..I would like to see an AG opinion on how he can have an interest in a company that has county contracts? I am making a guess the “shocking” indictment will be a once well-respected business man turned ex-mayor????

      1. Paul, we all know he can not have it both ways but does his campaign ego know it?The”shocking indictment” is who you think, you can bank on it. Even his hand picked replacement is getting a dishonorable mention.

  4. WS made a bold move by being the first to say “I am running”. I do not think WS can win either way and predict the next mayor of Biloxi will be a Cro-ich. I have listened to the indictment rumor mill for the last year and honestly so far it has been 100% correct. Anthony, Kamran, Savant, Martin…..all properly identified. WS may be the first one that cast the talk aside but the odds are not in his favor based on what has happened so far. Maybe the one that started as a teller will end up as a tellaller. We we see soon.

  5. The shocking indictment subject I hear is someone who will not have to do much more than walk next door to find legal representation. Though I am not sure who experienced it will be in the criminal side of the law.

  6. Here’s a little something to throw in the indictments jambalaya.

    Remember Stephen R. Colson? Interesting to note that he was the Registered Agent for S.H. Anthony, Inc when it was incorporated on February 28, 2005.

    Colson’s scam began to be unwound around the end of March/beginning of April 2009. There was some degree of intertwining with two other big league scams. The very related W Financial Group scam and the A&O Life scam.

    Colson plead guilty on March 2, 2014 and was sentenced on July 2, 2014.

    Something else, three MS SOS filings made at the same time. Certificates of Formation for Colson Holdings, LLC, Anthony Holdings, LLC and SH Anthony Demolition, LLC. See page 3 at the link for the cover letter.

    Coincidence or related?

  7. Let me throw this little thing into the indictment speculation pot.

    When SH Anthony, Inc corporate Formation filing was made in 2005 the registered agent was Stephen R. Colson. Colson’s Prestige Title et al fraud began to unravel early in 2009. Yet it wasn’t until mid 2014 before Colson plead out, he was sentenced early in July 2014. By which time the SH Anthony pot was on a rolling boil.

    So is this just another coincidence of criminality due to the Mississippi’s number one status? Or is it something else?

    I’ve got more to post on this but I’m curious to hear what others have to say.

  8. Stephen Colson….. Lawyer, escrow agent, restaurant owner, sports agent, buyer of predeath life insurance policies, entrepreneur, prominent LSU Alum, swim coach, embezzler, and convicted felon now known as federal BOP inmate #17973-043. His Ponzi scheme cost many close to $15,000,000. That does not count the person he sold part of Prestige Title to for $2,000,000. This poor gentleman lost the his entire investment. And now he has been revealed to have some association with/to S.H.Anthony. Very interesting indeed. He could have easily prequalified as a politician. Several years back I was contacted by an employee of his to submit a proposal for various services and was not the successful company selected. I did learn a lot about his business and plans for growth going forward….

  9. ….He wanted to double the number of Prestige Title locations,of which he already had 10+, throughout the Southeast in a years time and was looking for a marketing and branding plan for his grand expansion. Shortly after his name started popping up on the radar of the banks because of the constant overdrafts from his trust accounts. Then within a few weeks he closed Vic’s Chop House and then one by one all Prestige Title locations. He was investigated for more that a year before what he claimed were simple accounting problems, that would not let him balance his escrow accounts, turned into indictments. Maybe he helped in the SH Anthony investigation. With a prison release date of December 3, 2018 he has had plenty of time to think about what illegal activities others may have been involved in and that is his only road to an early release. You can also read about what his LSU brothers think about him on TigerDroppings.com. Also Jackson Jambalaya had a post some time back about Colson’s fall from grace that was pretty damn funny.

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