6 thoughts on “”

  1. Ben Dover is back!

    Looking for a comment bump!

    See the corporate welfare post for the latest!

    Stay tuned for more!

    Ben Dover

    1. And maybe also because Montgomery has one coming up Tuesday night, sans any famous bands?

  2. Yes he explained it after one of the nurses he said it to spoke out today at the JCBOS meeting

    It seems to me that it is not just the SRHS retirees and current émployees who have been screwed. Anderson , Holland, Heidleburg, Strickland, Leonard and the entire Williams’ screwed not just them but they also screwed the JCBOS and every taxpayer in Jackson County!

    It will be the JC taxpayers whose taxes going up by 5 mils that will pay the price for the shady malicious deals and decisions that were made beneath the dark hidden boardrooms and local watering holes. This is the only reason why the Mississippi Hospital Association is fighting the sunshine bill so fast and furious! If meetings become public then they can’t pass things as easily as before.

    Clifton said it perfectly today at the BOS meeting (parapharsing) When Holland (ceo) came and chaired the retirement committee we knew then something was up. In Jan 2014 the SRHS BOT amended the retirement plan. This underfunding fiasco has been in the making for the last 6 years. The only reason it came to light when it did was soneone within their circle, one of their own took the chance on persuading soneone to blow it open for them, while keeping their identity safe

    This is what has scared them all sh!&le$$

    The sun needs to shine in ALL of the public owned hospitals throughout the state and not just for the 2nd largest public hospital, SRHS

    Natchez filed bankruptcy TWICE! Twice befure the taxpayers knew what the holy hockey sticks was going on

    Corruption along our beautiful gulf coast needs to stop and it needs to stop now. Who will put their vote where it needs to cast come election time? I know 623 people who will be voting every BOS OUT if something is not done about Sinking River Health System!

    Sorry, but I am old, tired, and sick of this mess continuing without one document being handed over and not one deposition taken place after countless attempts in the courts. This old fart is mad and fed up!

  3. Gramps, you tell ’em like it is. But more importantly, when you gonna tell us another one of those good bedtime stores ? I’m still waiting about the builder story

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