10 thoughts on “If one of you Singing River folks could give me a hand…..”

  1. Barry Cumbest should have know better than this. Is he ignoring the rule of law everyone else is expected to comply with? I am still pissed off that he did not bring forward his appointed SRHS trustee, Mr.Cronier, to one of the BOS meetings and provide some proof of where the man lives, like a Jackson County car tag receipt. I still believe the reason he did not show the public that his appointee lived in our county is because the proof is not there. This “trust us” BS is no longer acceptable. He may not listen to the public’s questions today, tomorrow or next week but he will have to listen in August when they cast their vote in the primary for others. He needs to go back to his executive position at the local auto parts store. I could go on about the Cumbest mentality but will not bore everyone. My dad is still mad about the lies Lum Cumbest told the public about the “supposed” recreational lake at Plant Daniels. They needed to sell some land to the taxpayers and they did. The recreation part never happened because if you are found on the property enclosed with a high fence, you will be arrested. I do not view this current group of supervisors as being any better than the group back then that included Cumbest. They all were indicted and removed from office. Maybe Nunn can elaborate.

    1. <a href="https://www.courtlistener.com/opinion/1841541/cumbest-v-state/&quot; If someone is curious they could start by reading a Mississippi Supreme Court Decision. Lum Cumbest v. State of Mississippi.

      “Lum Cumbest and Dale Coleman were convicted in the Circuit Court of Jackson County of perpetrating a fraud upon Jackson County in violation of Miss. Code Ann. § 97-11-31 and each sentenced to a term of four (4) years in the Department of Corrections, with three (3) years suspended.

      Cumbest was supervisor of District Number One, and Coleman was a road foreman of that district.”

      1. If someone is curious they could start by reading a Mississippi Supreme Court Decision. Lum Cumbest v. State of Mississippi.

        “Lum Cumbest and Dale Coleman were convicted in the Circuit Court of Jackson County of perpetrating a fraud upon Jackson County in violation of Miss. Code Ann. § 97-11-31 and each sentenced to a term of four (4) years in the Department of Corrections, with three (3) years suspended.

        Cumbest was supervisor of District Number One, and Coleman was a road foreman of that district.”

  2. well if Mr. Barry Cumbest wife stopped working for the SRHS last year. Then he lied to my face back in December of 2014. While in his office he assured me that he was trying to ‘fix’ the pension because ” my wife is a nurse and she works there too’. Everything out of his mouth is an untruth.

    1. That part of my tip was vague which is the reason for this post. I was told yesterday Mrs Cumbest left on Friday.

  3. Here are two comments posted at the Srhs Hopes facebook page back on February 6.

    The Post title was a link to a WLOX report on public picketing SRHS retirees: Be a Hero, Save our Pension Plan”

    Go there to read all the comments. I’m reposting here the comment which Supervisor Cumbest’s wife apparently (pending confirmation that this is really her facebook account) responded to and her response. I’d recommend screengrabs in case anyone has second thoughts.

    Bert Anderson
    Im feed up with all the news being about the poor SRHS retirees what about US ACTIVE SRHS EMPLOYEES who have JUST AS MUCH at stake. START talking about all SRHS employees retired and active
    February 6 at 4:07pm

    Mary Hales Cumbest
    I agree with you Mr Anderson.
    February 6 at 5:41pm

    This link was what I referred to in a comment yesterday above.

    rfp February 28, 2015 at 12:51 pm
    Saw this a while ago so that was from the files.

    I decided to be sure people see it in light of the above additional allegation.

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