SRHS Retirees Protest in Ocean Springs (Updated)

And the report I received from Slabbed’s seasoned protest photographer indicates motorists on Highway 90 in Oceans Springs are honking in approval. Here are two early pictures:

Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest

Update: Here are all the other photos Slabbed made of the protest last week. There was a cameraman there as well that did not have any identifying press credentials.

Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest
Slabbed New Media LLC File Photo | Ocean Springs Hospital Protest

7 thoughts on “SRHS Retirees Protest in Ocean Springs (Updated)”

  1. The photographs look great. They gave me flashbacks of the Pickering Protest on Million Dollar Row when he decided to play “they like me better than they like you” with the Children of Frontier.

    1. While some of the attorneys enjoy their 60′ yachts, Roy Williams enjoys his forced retirement, Chris Anderson enjoys his conversion to Baptist, Kevin Holland spends his six figure income, the employees/retirees are force to do what ever they can to keep the deferred income they were promised. Could this picture be anymore out of balance? The powerful and their political pawns versus the working people from the SRHS. One can only hope that very soon those that perpetrated this fraud will be exposed and then prosecuted. Maybe in the end they will be stripped of their assets and be forced to worry about how they will by food or medicine in the future. One thing I feel very certain about is that KMPG never instructed anyone in management to lie about the contributions not being made by the SRHS to the pension as some would want all to believe.

      1. Could not agree more! SRHS would have everyone believe KPMG is responsible but they are not responsible for this debacle. The BOT and BOS are responsible for oversight. If any of the CPAs on the BOT or “business professionals” on the BOS had bothered to read the actual audits the would have see that SRHS had not been contributing to the pension trust. KPMG even went so far as to make comments about the underfunding on at least one of the audits.

        The citizens of Jackson county must rise and speak up for the retirees as well as the long term employees. The retirees can picket but the employees cannot for fear of retribution from SRHS administration.

        Doug, do you know if the Horne accounting firm currently used by SRHS has any connection to the attorney Horne employed by Dogan and Wilkinson?

  2. Kudos to you retirees who have braved the cold and saying to the politicians in Jackson County, “We are not going to take it anymore!”

    Get the word out to more people who are not SRH affiliated and we will be there with our signs. This is our hospital too and we want to keep it under county rule; not private rule for profit.

  3. These pictures show very courageous individuals in a very sad setting. While this would not be the first pension plan to have financial problems caused by the actions of a few unscrupulous individuals, it sure hits home how disruptive these types of situations can be to the individuals being deprived of the needed resources to enjoy their much deserved retirement years. The Sun Herald has an article in the Sunday edition about the attorney who was hired by the JCBOS to determine basically who did what.Seems like he is working with an unlimited budget. Look for this to take a while based on his hinting of extending the deadline. $$$$$. Another article is about the upcoming elections for county supervisors in Jackson County and what impact the SRHS scandal will have.I predict several will be defeated. The employees and retirees of the hospital will be a major voting group that want to see change, which they will work very hard to make happen.

  4. Doug, was hoping you would be covering the war chest info the SH listed today. Lots of those people earned “frequent riding miles” on the DMR yachts and the public needs to be reminded. Also, they need to see who is donating the big bucks to who so we don’t forget to vote them all out!!! This article is for the representatives of the coast.

  5. If what I read about Supervisor Barry Cumbest is true, you people in his district need to find another person to represent you. Now, he is trying to smooth over why he voted against Senator Wiggins’ Bill for open government and it ain’t gonna wash!

    Who is Barry Cumbest attempting to cover for? And who does Barry Cumbest owe? What ‘big name’ supporter gave him X amount of dollars when he won his supervisory post? Did he graduate from elementary school? His actions toward his constituents do not add up to common sense.

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