3 thoughts on “”

  1. http://www.jcedf.org/index.php/about-jcedf/board-of-directors You just have to wonder how much longer Morris Strickland will serve on the board of this organization. Maybe his resident theory works according to the way the JCEDF was chartered or set up. If I were him I would want to become invisible, hire an attorney to protect myself from potential liability and find something in Harrison County to sooth my ego. Maybe he can get appointed to the Memorial Hospital board. The pension plan they have requires no contribution from the employees so any investment advice he could give would be strictly used playing with the house’s money. I feel certain the other SRHS trustees will soon be forced to lawyer up since they are also being sued. Since Strickland held his trustee seat illegally he may have more personal liability and anything that he voted on is now invalid according to legal minds I have spoken with. Politics and ignorance seem to always be involved in these types of matters.

  2. Memorial seems to be doing just fine over here without any new board members coming to the rescue from Jackson County’s Sinking River(needs) Hospice System. Besides, Strickland may be very busy in his legal life answering questions in depositions soon where his answers will need to be more than “get out,get out,get out”. They may be more like “get me out,get me out,get me out of here”. He has created an interesting spot for himself by moving across the county line an illegally remaining on the board of trustees. At some point all the others on that board will have to go or confidence will never be restored. You would think they would come to that conclusion on their own. Must be a good cafeteria or something over there that makes them want to hang on.

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