3 thoughts on “Dedicated to the ones we love…..”

  1. This press release just popped up and I just can’t believe that Mr. Wiggins has taken credit for the situation at the DMR. He has not fixed or repaired what has been done to the honest hard workers that were fired for no reason other than they knew too much. I sure hope that the people aren’t fooled by this crap. Mr. Wiggins – why don’t you call a meeting of the people who were fired from the DMR for no reason and talk with them before running your mouth with these lies. You have done nothing to help them. What about the loss of life that was attributed to that bunch of crooks down there? Why don’t you talk to the people who were let go for nothing if you are such a savior?? You can get the names from Jamie. You know who they fired at your command.
    What have you done to fix SRHS? It only appears to me that you are protecting McKay and his cronies. So don’t act so innocent:


    Pascagoula, MS.- With the 2015 Mississippi election cycle and Legislative Session beginning on January 6th, State Senator Brice Wiggins (R-District 52) has submitted his qualifying papers to the Mississippi Republican Party to officially kick off his campaign for re-election. “I would be honored to have the chance to continue serving the honest, hardworking people of this district. Through the implementation of conservative principles, sweeping reforms to add accountability to state government, and a commitment to improving our education system so that we can be a leader in economic development, I believe our state is moving on the right path with increasing momentum,” Wiggins stated.

    In his first term in office, Senator Wiggins has successfully passed legislation to:
    – Restore fiscal responsibility and oversight to DMR
    – Implement an early education system
    – Increase economic development along the ports
    – Reduce taxes on families
    – Improve the our criminal justice system
    – Strengthen the punishment for violent criminals, especially those who commit child and domestic abuse

    Through his first term efforts he was recognized with the following awards:
    -​Representative Bud Cramer Award, National Children’s Alliance for 2012
    -​Champion of Children, Children’s Justice Center of Mississippi for 2013​
    -​Legislator of the Year, Mississippi Law Enforcement Association for 2013​
    -​Outstanding Leadership and Contributions as an Advocate for Victims’
    ​Rights 19th Judicial District D.A. Office for 2014

    Heading into the 2015 legislative session, Senator Wiggins is working on legislation that will address the following areas:
    – Reform no-bid contract laws
    – Remove the exemption of community hospitals from the Open Meetings Act and Public Records Act
    – Improve the rights and protections for witnesses, especially children
    – Strengthen sexual battery statutes
    – Create education tuition tax credits for parents who are paying to send their children to high quality child care learning centers

    “As a husband, father, and prosecutor, I have been and will always be committed to fighting political corruption, protecting the victims of crime, and working on common sense, conservative approaches to improving our economy and way of life,” Wiggins concluded.​​​​​”

    What a joke!!!!

  2. Mona,

    This behavior is nothing new from BRICE WIGGINS. It seems that he is a day late and a dollar short on most issues. When a big problem hits the press and stirs up the public, he swoops in wearing a Superman cape ready to save the day. He did this with the DMR, and SRHS. The sad thing is, he should be looking at preventative measures to fix systems before corruption takes place. The same goes for all the other coast representatives who currently hold office.

    While he is campaigning, perhaps the public should ask him to openly clarify his doings on the DMR boats, to pay the money back and how his father acquired funding to go on his wild cannon chase–this also has DMR finger prints all over it from what I was told.

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