Jim Brown: You Outsiders, Quit Telling Us What’s Best for Louisiana!

Wednesday, November 26th, 2014
New York City, N.Y.


The political termites are swarming into Louisiana. They are coming from everywhere; north and south-east and west. All with one purpose in mind. The want to tell us who we should vote for as the state’s next U.S. Senator. I don’t know about you, but I get sick and tired of all these out of stators who must think we are too dumb down here in Bayou country to make up our own minds.

Republican challenger Bill Cassidy can’t seem to make it through his day without announcing some new out of state surrogate who will fly into Louisiana and tell us political retards just how we should vote. Kentucky senator Rand Paul charged in last week to tell a Cassidy campaign rally that Louisiana would sink into the Gulf of Mexico if voters don’t elect Cassidy on December 6th. Now I happen to like Paul’s libertarian views on the erosion of Americana freedoms, but that doesn’t qualify him to tell us Cajuns and Rednecks whose best qualified to deal with problems down here in the deepest of the deep southern states. I’m sure Paul’s presidential aspirations have nothing to do with his efforts to support Cassidy.

Sarah Palin also joined the Cassidy support team last week to ballyhoo his candidacy. Just last month, Palin was in Louisiana backing Col. Rob Maness, who was eliminated in the first primary election. I personally think Palin just likes coming down to Louisiana. Considering it’s below zero in Palin’s Alaska hometown, and the sun rarely appears this time of year, she will probably volunteer to come back again next month to barnstorm in a futile effort to rehabilitate Gov. Bobby Jindal’s poll numbers. Continue reading…………….

2 thoughts on “Jim Brown: You Outsiders, Quit Telling Us What’s Best for Louisiana!”

  1. Ahem, Brown, seems that certain results in 1865 settled the ability of “outsiders” to come in & tell us what to do, good or bad.

    Or as Earl Long once told Leander Perez, ” The Feds got themselves the A-Bomb, Lea, what you gonna do now?”

  2. Holy Hustling Hussie Hoes Brownie,

    Brownie your idea sounds very Democratic ( only Louisiana money to be spent on La. U.S. Senator race) however done better call Hillary and did tell dat cher to cancel her Eastern campaign hosted dinner for Miss Piggy’s campaign wit’ seats selling for $1,000- $12,000 a piece dependin’ on how much of Landrieu ‘s brown material one bees seeking on dere nose.

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