Monday Miscellany: Crashes and Canvas….

I should get to a more normal posting schedule later this week as the deadlines pass. Until then here are a few links.

It appears the folks at the BP claims facility have run the neighborhood canvass on Jason Berry and then some:

DHECC – zombie stalking ~ Jason Berry

IBM Report: Independent journalist covering BP case investigated over leaked emails ~ Kyle Barnett, Louisiana Record

It seems like yesterday that Aaron Broussard and his Goatherders were running canvases on me and select members of the Slabbed Nation.

The secret to surviving such muck campaigns:

In other news:

On the Tendency of Large Market Losses to Occur in Succession ~ John P. Hussman (H/T ZeroHedge)

Secret Job-Market Slack Complicates Fed Rate Decision: Economy ~ Victoria Stilwell

16 thoughts on “Monday Miscellany: Crashes and Canvas….”

  1. Everything quiet on the home front Doug? Haven’t heard the Sierra Club or any of the others trying to get the DMR straightened out. I know there has been more firings of innocents while more and more of the Bernie Madoff types are being installed in choice places to “guide the money” to Fat Ass’s trough. There needs to be a head man hired at the DMR who can clean house correctly. Danny Guice could have done an excellent job. We do not need any more grab and switch games they are playing down there. Surely they don’t think the people of this Coast are that stupid???? It is time for the Coast to pull together and get rid of the trash that STILL inhabits the DMR under disguise. The Walkers and ConProfits have been replaced with more just like them. No need for the FEDS to take a rest. Hope they are on top of it all.

    1. I’m enjoying the lovely day with a couple of auditors. Then I have more even auditing on tap.

      The good folks over at the local Sierra Club chapter have remained very active on DMR, some would say too active I bet. 😉

      I too have heard of additional firings that included an employee meltdown. To the extent someone melted down, I did not feel that particular departure was newsworthy but man o’ man were people talking about it.

      1. Who was the latest victim? victims?? Another backstabber victim? Or just fired to make it look like Miller is cleaning out the right ones.

        1. I am told that an employee assigned to the Lyman Fish Hatchery melted down in an employee meeting. I really hate to get into any specifics because while the sourcing is solid I like to confirm details with at least one other insider, something I did not do in that instance.

        2. Charlene,

          It’s interesting seeing your comment about back stabbers. I have been receiving intelligence for quite some time that has indicated the presence of such in the Bolton Building–Employees turning on other employees–loafing Bible thumping Pimps perhaps. All in all, I think its quite obvious who is responsible for the internal health and moral within the DMR. Of course, all is well if your a part of the social elite.

  2. Doesn’t surprise me in the least. Nothing that happens down there is done correctly. It is all done illegally and “spur of the moment” because none of the transplants have a clue what do do. When it finally blows down there, it’s gonna be big!!!! The employees there are so afraid that they are turning on each other. They back stab each other to try to save their jobs. I think it is time to come together and clean out the trash! (Stole that saying from another blogger who tells it all! )

  3. P. S. The CONprofit friends and family are still alive and well and employed at the DMR on the top floors! They report directly to John McKay and Brice Wiggins. Can’t wait for the elections…..

  4. I have been sitting back reading the comments today and feel everyone is on the same page regarding Pickering and the doings within the Bolton Building. But, that is just a few members of Slabbed Nation and we need the entire support of the state to make something really happen. The documentation must be kept and the word must spread at election time. The Republican Primary’s in particular since the Democrats odds of winning are slim to none even with all the corruption. In a nut shell, here are some of the things we have so far:

    1) Frontier–they have a track record of being in bed with the Governor, Pickering and Jamie Miller involving state contracts and/or political gatherings.
    2) The Governor–Selected Miller under very suspicious circumstances and its obvious he is nothing more than a career butcher.
    3) Pickering–He is technically a criminal who was charged with a crime related to dishonesty involving the DMR investigation. He has also created a track record of who was, and who was not convicted resulting from the investigation. Some of these people have connections to the Governor and a paper trail exists……
    4) Bryce Wiggins–a big dog involved with creating and/or supporting the DMR accountability law. The same guy who was on the DMR fishing trips and who’s father gained money to go on a wild cannon chase.
    5) Joel Smith/Crosby Parker–The governments representatives in handling the DMR prosecutions. They realistically had to power to prosecute or to not prosecute. A paper trail exists………..

    1. Great Work eye!!! Just keep adding to this list and reposting it regularly so the people of the Coast do not forget it. I sure hope that the SH runs something like this to remind people of the thievery that is overtaking our Coast.
      Let us not forget that John McKay, Troy Ross, Jan Boyd (Mr. Miller’s card playing buddy and John McKay’s fund raiser pal is still working at the DMR with the blessing of Mr. Miller. He should have been cut by Mr Miller a long time ago if he is sincerely trying to do the right thing. Instead, he does political firings for his friends such as Joe Zeigler, Billy Hewes, John McKay, Brice Wiggins, Baby Walker, FatAss Barbour, Phil Bryant (such a disappointment), and yes, even the illustrious Stacey Pickering. So the little minion is doing his job….puppeting right along. You can not make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. Trash is always going to be trash. Class is inherent….and it is obvious that there is not much there at the DMR….just expensive suits trying to “hide” the stupidity of the idiots and make them look like somebodys. While everyone knows who they really are….pathetic sheeples and wannabees. Maybe they need to get together and raise some money for some Boudreaux’s butt cream and Vaseline to send their buddies….they are ALL gonna need it. Bill Walker was a trained shyster and knew what he was doing. This bunch can only dream to be as good as he was at laundering. This bunch will get caught easily and believe me….the eyes of Texas are upon them!!!

      1. Different record, same tune I see. Miller is swindling away much more money than walker ever dreamed about doing. Miller has not only hired way more friends, he’s also tripled the percentage of grant money taken out for grant management. Guess where that is going… The Horne Group and the others that are getting these big contracts. You ill and misguided feelings about Boyd still confuse me. If the only thing you can get him on is his kid going fishing, that’s pretty petty. Quit dragging the man through the mud and let us know what he’s really done or give it a break. If you really want to beat someone up, go after the ones really doing some wrong.

        1. Ain’t that the truth… They finally got rid of that lady down the hall that was running an eBay business out of her office. She had all kinds of sewing machines and doll stuff for making and selling doll clothes… It has been a long time coming. She seemed to have a few screws loose anyway

        2. Mr Cloud Strife and MRS. Oracle – it seems to me that you are ill informed about so much that is going on at that agency that is still under control of the same group of con artists. Ongoing court cases are going to open it all up like an onion. Special hunting trips, etc.
          I am not so willing, like you, to use my tax dollars to pay for “special employees” at the DMR to show their kids a good time. Especially when you are involved with the group who used the boats, money, and time, among other things that were the Taxpayers”. Only letting his kid go fishing??? Really Sir??? You are really ill informed. I would tend to bet you that MOST of the Taxpayers have a problem with Mr. Boyd “only” letting his son go on a boat trip because his position dictates that he be beyond reproach. Seems like to me that Jamie Miller should have gotten rid of him first. Mr. Boyd throws fundraisers for all the right people and he was responsible, in my opinion, of spying on several of the long time employees there and carrying lies back to Joe Zeigler, Bill Walker, John McKay, and his other “dear family and friends”. I would consider it a form of pimping information for special favors. And I could go on but will save it until the fun starts.
          So, I suggest that if you are not completely informed Mr. Cloud, that you only respond to what you know about. As far as Mrs. Boyd Oracle, I would suggest that the same applies to her, and that she really needs to be sure what she is posting about other prople that is not true. When you lay with dogs, you tend to pick up fleas.

  5. The read as to the investigation as to American Zombie brought forth a few chuckles here, Doug. But delving more deeply into the matter, it would seem a tad bit offensive to any attorney, let alone a jurist, that an instrumentality subject to control of a court is conducting an “investigation” into a reporter. Granted, the First Amendment more and more protects only those members of the media who function as transmission belts for government actors, but until repudiation is once and for all confirmed by the federales, at least we expect some lip service. What as to the First Amendment is subject to misunderstanding? Is it simply that we lack the presence of an openly named STASI or KGB, as if the Heimatsicherheitdienst is not enough?

  6. 1) Frontier–they have a track record of being in bed with the Governor, Pickering and Jamie Miller involving state contracts and/or political gatherings. Note: I understand that the man appointed over the accounting department worked for one of the failing businesses associated with the Bernie Madoff meltdown. He is a neighbor of Miller and I think his name is William Feidt.
    It is also important to note that the other person in the accounting area is a retired military man, Billy Hewes’ relative, and was also over a failing business that went bankrupt. This needs further investigation and you can see that the removal of Billy Hewes’ brother-in-law, Joe Zeigler, was in name only. He has managed to slide another relative ( Joe Spraggins) in position to wait on more BP money to “handle”. When old Phil goes out next year, Billy Boy is going to be so alone. And what is it about these short men that makes them so evil? Think about it. Billy Hewes, Jamie Miller, Joe Zeigler, General Spraggins – anything in common? Get ready Billy boy….your old buddy Tate is on his way!

    2) The Governor–Selected Miller under very suspicious circumstances and its obvious he is nothing more than a career butcher. You left out laundering set-up expert?

    3) Pickering–He is technically a criminal who was charged with a crime related to dishonesty involving the DMR investigation. He has also created a track record of who was, and who was not convicted resulting from the investigation. Some of these people have connections to the Governor and a paper trail exists……What do you expect??? Poor thing had to get after his “dear friends and family”! What do you expect from the poor thing??? His political career is over thanks to his “dear friends and family” program.

    4) Bryce Wiggins–a big dog involved with creating and/or supporting the DMR accountability law. (What a joke). The same guy who was on the DMR fishing trips and who’s father gained money to go on a wild cannon chase. (Yes, they all scratch each other’s back). But the photo of him that the SH posted will be printed in the minds of the Coast people. He is another one whose political career is in the crapper.

    5) Joel Smith/Crosby Parker–The governments representatives in handling the DMR prosecutions. They realistically had to power to prosecute or to not prosecute. A paper trail exists………..
    Yes, this group is Baby Walker’s buddies. Joel Smith got him out of the DUI, and I would imagine his father too??? Can’t wait until some of those charter captain boats start talking and telling what they know. Of course, they may be afraid because there are so many deaths associated with this scandal. Time will tell.

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