DMR Timesheets raise troubling questions regarding contract worker payment and supervision (Updated)

Slabbed has obtained timesheets related to contract work performed by Samantha Hebert at the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources.  Before I show you folks what I have we need to back up in time, first to December of 2012 when the DMR Scandal was still young when Anita Lee and Karen Nelson detailed the DMR friends and family program for the Sun Herald:

Relatives of DMR employees also work at the agency, although DMR directors say the hirings comply with the agency’s nepotism policy. The nepotism policy prohibits employees from participating in the hiring process for, or supervising, immediate family members, which includes in-laws. It does not prohibit family members from working at DMR.

Walker said his daughter-in-law was hired by DMR Public Relations Director Lauren Thompson and works as a special projects officer. Trinity Walker, wife of Scott Walker, is paid $27,700 a year, according to state records.

Walker said Thompson also hired Samantha Hebert, the sister of Tina Shumate, DMR’s director of coastal management. Hebert works under contract as a videographer, and has been paid $91,300 since October 2010, state records show. Hebert could not be reached at DMR to comment on her job.

When asked how to reach her sister, Shumate said, “She works for Dr. Walker, so you’d have to talk to him.”

Shumate, recently scrutinized in a federal audit for using grant money for DMR’s purchase of her parents’ Pascagoula property, also has a son and brother-in-law who were contract workers. Shumate said she was not involved in hiring her son, who participated in a summer work program while in high school. She said Walker hired her brother-in-law, who was employed only a short time.

The excerpt is very important for a number of reasons but before I get into that we need to fast forward to this past May when Susan Perkins, Leslie Gollott and Grant Larsen copped pleas to state charges related to their tenure of employment at DMR. To the extent Anita’s story that was linked in my post on the topic is now 404, I use the AP wire version that was run in the Washington Times: Continue reading “DMR Timesheets raise troubling questions regarding contract worker payment and supervision (Updated)”

Slabbed registers yet another legal victory…..

And you know what is screwed up folks is I still can’t fill my readers in on the details because Attorney Daniel Abel, on an ex parte basis with Judge Glenn Ansardi, had the case sealed when Abel filed it. This is something I am very committed to seeing remedied. 24th JDC Judge Scott Schlegel, now presiding over the case granted Slabbed’s Special Motion to Strike the Complaint under Louisiana’s Anti SLAPP statute and awarded reasonable Attorney Fees. Slabbed New Media LLC was very capably represented by Connie Montgomery in the matter.

Due to the abuses that were perpetrated by Attorney Abel in this matter, in April of this year on behalf of Slabbed New Media I filed suit in United States District Court against Abel for willful violations of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act related to the DMCA takedown notices he sent to Slabbed’s current web host, Host Gator LLC related to publicly available court documents that he claimed infringed on a copyright. Slabbed New Media will show that Abel’s DMCA takedown notice, which he swore under perjury was true, was confected from whole cloth. United States District Court Judge Keith Starrett is presiding over this case.

Finally, Slabbed New Media will be asserting similar DMCA abuse torts against Trout Point Lodge, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary related to their multi-year campaign of abuses of the United States Digital Millenium Copyright Act including their assertion of ownership of parodies created and owned by third parties such as Patrica Fournet and Frank Magazine. Under the DMCA, a party issuing a takedown request swears under penalty of perjury they own the creative works in question. I look forward to having my day in court in defense of the First Amendment and Journalism in the Public Interest.

Freedom is not free folks. If you value your first amendment rights and forums like Slabbed where the free exchange of ideas and opinions are encouraged, please take a few minutes and donate to the cause. While I am certainly appreciative of larger donations, there are several people like Cindy, Beverly, Debra and Patricia that donate as little as $10.00 a month. If 10% of my daily readers aka the unique visitor did this, funding things like lawyers or the hardware that I purchased to self host Slabbed here in Mississippi would not be an issue. Thank you.

For those of you that have not met him yet I present Michael Delesdernier

Amongst the stable of politicians that represent the gift that keeps on giving to the media, Jefferson Parish School Board Member Michael Delesdernier certainly ranks as one of the most accomplished.

Jefferson School Board member seeks restraining order ~ Jeff Adelson

This blast from the past remains one of my personal favorites:

Jefferson Parish School Board member Michael Delesdernier flunking grading, grammar and tact ~ James Gill

Of course Delesdernier has some company at both the School Board and our gift giving stable of politicians in Pat Tovrea.