Analysis | Scott Walker guilty plea: Fishin’ trips for Christ on the taxpayer dime.

The many times over the past 7 years or so that I have communicated with a well placed source, invariably the information imparted is also accompanied by restrictions on its use and disclosure of the source. It has occurred to me that I disclose much less about these people, than say the AP, who will describe a source like “someone in government that requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak with the media”.  My description would probably include a janitor and a homeless drunk but Slabbed has built up enough street credibility that we can get by with that.  Even better it help protect the folks that are sharing information.  It is no secret that in the Yenni Building at least one and I think more dragnets have been run trying to figure out the identity of the famous (infamous) Wino of Lafayette Square so I understand the restrictions and manage to thrive figuring ways around them without shutting off the information flow.

All that said I’ll report now that outdoor living during the Polar Vortex was too much, even for the indefatigable Wino, and she died last Winter. Now a moment of silence:

I buried my lead to make a point but from Slabbed’s DMR coverage I would posit it is safe for the reader to assume Slabbed has a kick ass source or two or three on the topic.  These folks are located from Jackson and points south all the way to the Mississippi sound and some of what you’ll read here is reflected in what they have told me and what I continue to tell hear.

First off the bad news as it regards the DMR Foundation Boats. Continue reading “Analysis | Scott Walker guilty plea: Fishin’ trips for Christ on the taxpayer dime.”

No booze cruises for Thad???

Cochran: ‘I didn’t party’ on DMR boat ~ Anita Lee

I know a few folks up in Stone County that think highly of Myrtis and her hubby. To me the problem isn’t the drinking. Anyone that has been on a private plane like a King Air 90 knows the wealthy owners often provide nice amenities for their guests. A high end boat would not be much different. That said I wonder who all these politicians thought owned these boats? As Orsen Wells once famously said “it stinketh”.

Now that the yacht fleet for the political elites has been dismantled one naturally wonders where the next ugly bump will rise. People like Michael Janus and Scott Walker did not excel at being meek. In the political world there are 10 people just like ’em behind each waiting for their chance.