A tale of two would-be Judges and Bankruptcy Part 1: Yolanda King

The level of self entitled greed is simply stunning folks as Sonja Spears has an imitator. John Simerman was all over it again on Saturday for the Advocate:

Bankruptcy filing shows dueling domiciles for judge

Insta-address for political runs??? Must be nice.

Among the myriad forms that King submitted to secure bankruptcy protection was a brief tax filing statement.

“I am of the full age of majority and domiciled in ST. TAMMANY Parish,” it read, with the parish name in all capital letters.

Two months later, on Feb. 13, 2013, King signed and filed a different kind of document: a notice of candidacy to run for Orleans Parish Juvenile Court judge. In that affidavit, she listed her domicile as 5336 Stillwater Drive in New Orleans.

It was the same address King had used in a failed bid for a seat on the same court in 2002 and when she ran for an Orleans Parish Criminal District Court seat in 2008.

The state constitution says judges in Louisiana “shall have been domiciled in the respective district, circuit or parish for one year preceding election.”

In part two I’ll have something for the peeps here in Mississippi.