Analysis: It’s what Mayor Fillingame doesn’t say that tells the tale. A Tax and Spend Update

Political circles here in Bay St Louis have been buzzing since Mayor Fillingame conjured up Al Showers and WLOX earlier this week to promote raising the City’s Utility rates, which Fillingame claims are inadequate. Here is the interview for those that missed it:

When I saw the interview for the first time I viewed it through the lens that is based on my professional experiences in business and as a CPA/auditor. In fact it was a two day course long ago that included interview technique training from legendary CPA/CFE/CGFM Dennis Dycus aka the Joe Friday of Tennessee that I thought of wondering what Dennis would have to say about Hizzoner’s micro-signals.  Here is a hint to that which I speak:

The Importance of Eye Contact in a Job Interview ~  Stacy Steinham, Demand Media

Make eye contact but avoid a sudden change in eye contact. “If you’ve been making great eye contact the whole interview and suddenly start blinking rapidly — more than 70 blinks per minute — when asked a question, this can indicate stress and a desire to avoid the truth,” said Patti Wood, body language expert

I mention this because Hizzoner’s eye shifting caught my attention and that is meaningful, Continue reading “Analysis: It’s what Mayor Fillingame doesn’t say that tells the tale. A Tax and Spend Update”