12 thoughts on “BREAKING: Hizzoner Releases Bay St Louis Financial Recovery Plan!!!!!!!!”

  1. Hilarious, Doug, and scary at the same time. Was this an interview? I didn’t see Al Showers’ lips move, not even once! As I said before, this was “cashin in time” for Hizzoner for all that good, free Bay St. Louis water Al’s been usin. Your’re too much. Glad we have you though.

  2. First off, how can you have a plan to fix/deal with something (that as a Mayor) you’ve yet to publicly accept personal responsibility for, or even acknowledge as a crisis or problem.

    my thoughts on a special version for the constituents in the 39520……

    Final Verse
    (whistling….. )

    I’m sure to blame, I’m Fillingame
    I’ve got a great big plan that is sure to land
    Upon the backs, of who’ll pay this tax
    and ruin the Bay, as I slip away
    to my big rock candy mountain…….

  3. The city collects from the homeowners for their sewerage and waste water monthly on the water bill. They did NOT forward that collection to the appropriate agency for payment.
    Then the city makes a loan to pay the Utility Authority for the money they collected but did not pay.
    The city does not have money to pay loan back.
    Now the city wants to charge us again for the original money we paid that they spent on something else. Where does it end??
    WHERE DID THE MONEY GO? What did they use it for?
    From an accounting standpoint, if they spent the money on other expenditures in the budget , then those are still there.. So if they get the increase how do we know where it will go? If we continue to pay the original amount each month that pays the current obligation. After the debt is paid Mr. Mayor will have extra or are we just subsidizing and camaflouging his current over budget expenses.
    The mayor and auditors need to give a full accounting of all this money. $350,000 is a LOT of money that was NOT paid.
    Citizens of Bay St. Louis deserve answers.
    One major answer we also need: is the city current on their obligation to the Waste Water Authority. Or are we still in the revolving door of not paying.
    We need answers!!
    Oh and let’s not forget Mr. mayor is chairman of the Authority so how can we get any honest answers or have the Hancock Utility Authority make BSL accountable. Maybe Mr Mayor should resign his position. There is a huge conflict here given the situation.

  4. Disgusted,
    There are conflicts all over the place in the Bay’s governing authorities. Your point about the Mayor being the Chairman of Solid Waste is one, and Ward I Councilman Seal’s wife is employed at the banking institution that holds the bonds for their debt. Check the Ethics laws. This city has already been cited by the Ethics Commission once. Let’s see where this quagmire takes them in a few weeks.

  5. Sometimes a Native American Indian’s last name can give insights into one’s character:

    Examples are Light Foot ( infamous bankruptcy attorney to U.S. District Judge Orteous), Sittting Bull, Running Water, and in the Mayor’s case “Filling” Game ( filling thou cup full with BS).

  6. I believe councilman Compretta also sits on the Authority Board. No wonder he always votes with the mayor……

    I hope the Seal Family has an accounting of the money they donated to the harbor. Don’t remember hearing at the last meeting a special account set up for Harbor Funds. Oh wait Mr Mayor probably thinks he can use it in general fund and pay back. Will he be making another loan to pay the state back. Better not deal with Delbert.

    Maybe his Indian name deals with his brain “Less”

  7. Somebody put up signs in the last Mayor’s race that said something to the effect” Vote for Les and get Less.” Well, they must have known about the finances well ahead of time.
    DISGUSTED, several months ago, I believe it was the Mayor himself, who said that he wanted a special account set up for the Harbor. This should be taken care of and quickly by the Council because, according to the lease they signed with the State, the city is responsible for the maintenance of the Harbor and the State get most of any profits gained from revenue. The most the city can hope to get out of this is sales tax. Therefore, the Council has to be ready for any surprise maintenance or whatever.
    And, now with all of the water side property owners taking the city to court in dispute over who the land belongs to, I guess Doug is gonna have to find a CD of that old patriotic tune:
    “This land is your land,
    This land is my land,
    From the high mean Tide
    To the foot of the ramp

    Don’t mess with Delbert
    Don’t mess with Walter
    They’re legal gurus
    And they have deep pockets

    DRUM ROLL!!!

  8. Thank you haddanuf…
    The workshop with the auditors next week should be interesting. Hope we get a good turnout.
    Maybe the Mayor will listen to the auditors this meeting and not say he “did not hear that”.

  9. Disgusted:

    Me tinks Indian Chief “Filling” Game says ‘He no hearis dat’ because he say auditor needs to smoke da’ same pipe as da’ Chief and dey wood be peace in da’ city.

    Chief’s BS cup is” filling” up again and needs flushin’ at next Council meeting.

  10. “lockemuptight:,
    I think you’re on to something with “Chief Filling Game.” His BS is the big clog in the utility department for sure, but from I am hearing today there is another fiasco involving funds all the way to Jackson that they’ll need a roto rooter to handle. They can either roto rooter it themselves or “somebody” is gonna do it for them. It just never ends.

  11. “lockemuptight:, and haddanuff
    Oh I think you may be right about BS..
    The auditors are quite disappointing. I think they drank the Kool Aid with Ms. McDonald.
    They do admit the Bay is in trouble but are not being strong with the council and mayor. I think they are afraid of being fired.
    And the council have totally disappointed me. They should have taken the bull by the horns and worked for the people of Bay st Louis.
    Swapping for favors in your district is politics but the reality is the budget and they are not standing up to Les.
    Reed gets many favors, Seal has to listen to his wife and Compretta wants to sit on boards the Mayor appoints him to. Wendy enjoys being president and ego sets with her. Joey not too sure of. He does get contracts for his company and I hear “silent partner” in business downtown.
    What a team we have.
    Lonnie and Mike are the “Lone Rangers” although thought they would be more vocal.
    Who’s watching the City?

    1. The audit is now 18 days late. Last year it was over 2 months late. Its disgraceful and so late that the poor news girl on WLOX termed it the 2014 audit.

      The City should rotate its auditors as a matter of board policy.

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