Fillingame Administration a going concern: Auditors explain to City Council why the City is getting a very bad report.

Last night’s Bay St Louis City Council meeting was a spectacle folks so it is only right we kick start coverage with a reader request:

So let’s begin with a slightly misleading headline:

Auditor: Bay St. Louis’ funding reserves dwindling ~ Justin Mitchell and Jennifer Lenain

The slightly misleading part is the use of “Dwindling” which implies the City actually has a reserve at all when the fact of the matter is the reserve has been gone for well over a year with accompanying deficit, fueled by out of control spending, parked on a loan with The First that the City made without any statutory authority. But it is worse than all that because Mayor Fillingame, who has steadfastly denied the City had any financial problems to begin with, remains in deep denial:

Mayor Les Fillingame said he doesn’t think Guel’s findings are troubling.

Methinks Hizzoner Continue reading “Fillingame Administration a going concern: Auditors explain to City Council why the City is getting a very bad report.”