14 thoughts on “Depending on the perspective either good news or bad news…..”

  1. What about the Lusty Lawyer? Did she not go to court a couple of weeks ago. I was glad to hear the French Quarter shootout was not a dispute between taxi drivers over who was giving her a ride home from the G-spot ,Galatoire’s Restaurant,which is just down the street. Joe Boy Cloyd has become invisible due to coverage of his money bungling at the Mansion on East Beach. Those protesters helped put the news coverage on that event that was deserved.The Bill Walker picture on the front porch sitting in the evening sun during a heat alert with a one year old was priceless. He should have been arrested for child endangerment. These narcissistic types do not fair well on Slabbed.

            1. The only place I saw early chootin’ was in the comments section to the NOLA.com story on the civil lawsuit.

              If it turns out to be true it would be quite the sticky wicket!

  2. Check – Messin’ with Sasquatch was the but-for cause and proximate cause of the fabricated Concrete Busters retraction.

  3. The DMR coverage on Slabbed has been outstanding. It should be about time for the Melissa Scallan contract to be renewed.

    Being a part of the inner circle I see no reason why it wouldn’t or if she moves into a permanent position. After all its well deserved after all she has accomplished:

    1) co-starring in the dumb and dumber video with Jamie miller.

    2) leading they way for the production of an inaccurate DMR regulation sticker.

    3) predominately sitting behind the scenes with minimal public interaction.

    4) supervised a staff that has essentially done nothing in the past year.

    I guess it pays to be one of “the girls”

  4. “A house divided can not stand” and the conflicted Jeff Council is definitely BAD NEWS.


    These Council executive sessions need to stop or need to be bugged by the FBI. Inquiring minds want to know if the Jeff Council could be intentionally fu*king up to cause the hospitals to go bankrupt so some political insider can swoop down and fly off with the spoils and reap big profits?

    The FBI need to step up their investigation and discover what political payoffs are conflicting the Council- they must be mega enormous to cause such infighting.

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