He is very clearly the happiest man in the room….

WILLIAM COLGIN/SPECIAL TO THE SUN HERALD Gulfport School Board Attorney John Harral
Gulfport School Board Attorney John Harral

And for good reason too. If I were he I’d also be a very happy man. That said I also thought of Kingfish and “Lil’ Piece” when I read today’s Sun Herald story on the Gulfport Bond Election. I also thought of last summer’s Ocean Springs Beach Front protest and the guy that came out of Joe Cloyd’s house to talk to WLOX’s Dave Elliot. Lets circle this topic for now but meantime Gulfport Municipal Schools needs newer facilities and the kids are on the road to getting them:

Funding for new Gulfport High School OK’d by 80% of voters ~ Mary Margaret Halford

6 thoughts on “He is very clearly the happiest man in the room….”

  1. John Harrel looks like a NASA control room manager that just landed something on Mars. The schools in Gulfport are in need of modernization and then maybe they can get the right people in place to improve the ratings they now receive which does not create a desire for people to be in the district. I too remember Harrel as the appointed spokesperson at Joe Cloyd’s disaster of a fundraiser for Stacey Pickering. This appears to be a time in politics when people do bizarre things. Pickering comes to the Coast grubbing for money and is hosted by bundler or bungler Cloyd at his beach front mansion with Bill Walker sitting 20′ away on a front porch visible to everyone holding a baby in the 5 PM sun with an extreme heat warning/alert in place. All of these people belong together. We have the bad luck of having them here.

  2. That’s how all these attorneys for these public bodies look when they know the legal fees that are coming their way–especially for a $41million dollar job. When I say the paper this morning, I thought, we should frame this one, and just think about all the “change work orders” that are surely coming his way!!!
    No wonder he is beaming.

  3. Is no one smart enough to put together that this is JOE CLOYD’S FATHER IN LAW! Of course he was saving the day at the fundraiser flop!

  4. And Mrs. Joe Cloyd was the only other person to come out of the front door of the mansion the day of the fumbledraiser with camera in hand to take pictures of the protesters. All of the rest of the 10 participants slipped in the back door including the Walkers if they attended. I was told many did not attend due to the negative publicity this event garnered. The Cloyds will be know by this fiasco for years to come.

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