Community and Good Government Activist Margie Seemann has passed away

Word has filtered out that Margie Seemann passed away last night in her sleep. On behalf of my family and the Slabbed Nation, I express condolences to Margie’s family as well as gratitude for her tireless service to and advocacy of the cause of clean and transparent local government. Margie will be greatly missed.

I must admit I scratched my head…..

As I hear the other night at the Bay-Waveland School Board meeting the fact student enrollment declined from 2012-2013 school year was discussed:

‘Just a buzz about the Bay’ as population rebounds in Bay St. Louis ~ Anita Lee

Sales tax is flat at best, record number of properties are being turned over to the state after failing to sell at tax sale, the local Casino is not doing as well as it has in the past as the gaming market has become saturated both locally and regionally. I think the polite term here is “headwinds” and not at all indicative of a Town in the midst of a population boom.

Not that the Bay doesn’t have a lot going for it beginning with its location. What those census numbers, if they are completely accurate, show is a place in the midst of a secular demographic change typified by new residents such as James Carville and wifey. Somewhere out there in cyberspace right now is a picture of me and my bride at a nonprofit event where we sat with a very nice older couple that are coming home to the Bay after a successful business career in the greater New Orleans area. Not that Carville and company are not quality additions to the taxpayer pool here because they are, but it’d be nice to see the community get younger overall.