PSA: Town Hall Meeting for Bay St Louis Ward 2 residents and business owners

Councilwoman Wendy McDonald will be hosting a town hall meeting for residents and business owners in Ward 2 next Thursday evening, May 22, 2014 from 5:30 to 7:00 PM in the Bay St Louis City Council Chambers.

Topics for discussion may include parking, speeding, activities and events such as runs, festivals, Second Saturday etc., noise, harbor opening and other topics of interest to the residents and business owners in our Ward. Because there will be a 2 ½ hour workshop related to the city budget starting at 3 PM on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 with a council meeting to follow at 5:30 PM we will not get into the budget at this meeting but use this time to address other concerns such as those outlined above.

Mike Favre, Councilman at Large and Les Fillengame, Mayor are attending this meeting as well and are interested in your input and feedback as it relates to Ward 2. Please feel free to send in topics of interest ahead of time if possible so we can allow time to cover topics of interest and for participation from the residents and business owners.

Wendy McDonald, Councilwoman Ward 2

4 thoughts on “PSA: Town Hall Meeting for Bay St Louis Ward 2 residents and business owners”

  1. Thanks for posting this. Seems like the Councilwoman would have run an announcement in the Echo instead of sending it by email to only a select group, almost half of whom do not even live or work in Ward II, and not contacting some business owners and residents who have been in Ward II for a long time–one for 49 years and the other for 110 years. It’s not like they just arrived and she didn’t know they were here.
    Business as usual. This has the Mayor’s fingerprints all over it.

  2. At the Bay St. Louis City Council meeting tonight, Butler Snow attorney, and financial adviser, Lucien Bourgeois, informed the Council that the city is in a financial crisis. That’s a far cry from what the Mayor and City Clerk have been saying as recently as two weeks ago, but everyone knew better.
    This time the facts came from someone who was invited to the meeting by the Mayor. No one would listen to Carroll Gordon, Ron Thorp, or Jeff Harding who have all been saying this for over a year.
    The future doesn’t look very bright for the Bay no matter what route the Council takes because they’ll still be passing the ball to Fillingame and Kolf to execute the plan–therein lies the “crisis!”

  3. I did receive an invitation. However, haddanuff is correct about who was invited. I did not see many of my fellow property owners or business owners on the email??

    An email was sent out today from the Chamber about the meeting. Little Late??

    Politics as usual…..

    Rumors are Ms. Wendy wants to run for Mayor ?? Why town hall meeting after all these years…….

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