“What about Thad?” Lets back up almost 12 years for a few clues

Bill Minor
December 18, 2002

We need to remember that Mississippi has a second Republican U.S. senator who, thankfully some commentators have observed, is not involved in national controversy and never has been.

Moderate-conservative Thad Cochran is that guy. While a firestorm surrounded his junior Senate colleague, Trent Lott, Cochran unobtrusively slipped into town last week.

Along with staffers at The Associated Press bureau here, I had a chance to sit down and talk with him for more than an hour.

The mere circumstances of Thad’s arrival at the AP bureau on the 13th floor of a downtown office building says a lot about him. He just walked in, then shucked off his topcoat. By himself. No entourage. No trail of cheerleaders or worshipful followers. Continue reading ““What about Thad?” Lets back up almost 12 years for a few clues”