If you’re not out enjoying the lovely spring day…..

Then shame on you. 🙂

That said when its quiet that invariably means I’m up to something and that is certainly the case. I’ll be back on a more normal posting schedule next week.

2 thoughts on “If you’re not out enjoying the lovely spring day…..”

  1. Doug

    You have probably seen the new SH story outlining the new figure for the Horne contract. For those who have not, we are almost at 1 million.

    In your professional accounting opinion, what’s going on here? I read the story, but as most know I am very leary of anything the DMR does these days.

    1. Mucho money huh? Were DMRs books and records a shambles because of Bill Walker’s management? Likely. Does it cost $1,000,000 to fix that problem. No way. That said the article indicated that Horne has also identified grant drawdowns/reimbursements to the tune of $700,000 so the scope of the work is far broader than just fixing a bookkeeping mess.

      Horne can mobilize manpower and take on the associated headaches of fixing the problems. DMR could do this cheaper but it would take more time and distract from what appears to be Miller’s main job of purging the agency. From that perspective what Horne brings to the table has value.

      If I were to levy a criticism here, it would be not giving this work to one or both of the two large firms headquartered right here on the coast. Horne is outta Jackson and that is where the money fixing this mess is going ultimately. I’d much rather have that million dollar fee circulating in the economy down here.

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