BREAKING: A warrant has been issued for the arrest of T.S. Dream

It appears T.S. Dream aka da Tranny aka Terrill Lewis has gone on the lam folks and Capias issued by the authorities in Orange County Florida. Rumor has it a trial was held while Dream was MIA early this week.

Stay tuned to this developing story.

Jim Brown: To Bobby Jindal – Just Do It!

Thursday, April 24th, 2014
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal made a splash of headlines a few weeks ago by proposing his alternative to Obamacare. Many of his ideas are the part of the same list he’s been shopping around for years, some of it pieced together from a litany of Republican proposals. He’s being blistered by a number of state and national columnists for not putting forth anything new or original.

But just because the proposals did not originate from Jindal himself is no cause to at least not give a good look at his suggestions. I’m not concerned that Jindal’s ideas are unoriginal. If he’s to be criticized for anything, it should be for his lack of follow through.

Jindal’s health reform list includes pooling for small businesses, pay for performance, health savings accounts, and change in lifestyles to reduce the likelihood of chronic disease, insurance reform, and medical lawsuit reform. He is suggesting that nurse practitioners and other medical professionals be given more leeway in what they can do.

He endorses high risk pools for those who are hard to insure, something, by the way, that some obscure Louisiana Insurance Commissioner put into place back in the 1990’s. (I think his name was Brown.) Jindal’s to do list also includes offering financial incentives for more healthy behavior and a crack down on what the Governor describes as “rampant fraud” in government healthcare programs. Continue Reading…….

Thursday Links: LSU Porno plays second fiddle to Duke plus financial masochism

A porn star from LSU named Morgan?  It just seems to fit, at least to me. Since being outed Morgan has kept a low profile.  A wildly famous newbie porn star from Duke named Miriam that has evidently been on National TeeVee several times since being outed around the same time as Morgan?  I found the profile of Belle Knox aka Miriam Weeks compelling:

The Blue Devil in Miss Belle Knox: Meet Duke Porn Star Miriam Weeks ~ Alex Morris

The finance boards are fairly brutal places in the cyber landscape and yes taking layoffs and being grateful for not being chopped while some stuffed suit collects major performance bonuses for wielding the axe is correctly called financial masochism, a term some folks consider a tad harsh. That said there are a few folks out there sporting sack:

A carpenter has the making of a folk hero ~ Bill McClellan, St Louis Post-DIspatch

Bonus link from 2012:

Fat bonuses tip scales, dump skeleton staffs