Obviously we have some catching up to do

First up is the Whistleblower and the copious amount of comments left yesterday evening about Scott Walker and Hancock County Supervisor Steve Seymour. I’m not clearing them through the moderation que because it will save a lawsuit or two (or three).

That said there is someone that made contact with me, as luck would have it, typically on days over the past few months when all hell was breaking loose. Since we have copious amounts of disaster management experience here at Slabbed New Media thanks to the Hurricane from which this website’s name is derived, no task is forgotten and I hope to have some quality muck raked for everyone very soon.

Speaking of tasks, sometime in the recent past a reader was kind enough to send in some photos and I absolutely love reader photos. This pic of Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts, for instance, is a legendary Slabbed classic. Along those lines we are in a  political season here in South Mississippi so some photos from the east side of the coast are in order.  The first documents a wanton act of vandalism of the type that civilized society fully condemns so we start at Frank Palazzo’s place just north of the Promenade:

Spray painteded "Cop Killer" on Frank Palazzo's fence
Spray painted “Cop Killer” on Frank Palazzo’s fence
"Rape the Government" spray painted on Frank Palazzo's fence
“Rape the Government” spray painted on Frank Palazzo’s fence

Meantime over at Joe Cloyd’s Cottages at Oak Park Thad is the word:

Joe Cloyd flies the company banner
Joe Cloyd flies the company banner

16 thoughts on “Obviously we have some catching up to do”

  1. In the meantime here is a Saturday diversion. Arkansas ex-cop killed while trying to set anti-corruption blogger’s hot dog cart on fire

    A former police officer died while trying to set ablaze a food cart belonging to a blogger who exposed crooked cops and other corrupt city officials. ArkansasMatters.com reported Friday that former Little Rock Police Officer Todd Payne died when blogger Ean Bordeaux (pictured above) tackled him as Payne tried to flee the scene of the attempted arson.

    Bordeaux is the proprietor of the Corruption Sucks blog, a webpage dedicated to exposing corruption in the Little Rock local government and in the state government of Arkansas.

    1. If one is inclined to look around the Corruption Sucks blog be warned that the words “*WARNING EXPLICIT EVIDENCE*” should be take seriously! Not that one could really claim to be surprised when the warning applies to the post titled: “Cop Sexting Penis Investigation”.

    2. Will Griggs documents a great deal of police corruption, mainly because of the militarization of your local police.

  2. Well now – What is this connection with Steve Seymour and Scott Walker? Don’t tell me that Walker has bought into yet another bar, Newks, or other food joint??? Where is the money coming from???? I thought he was supposed to be headed to the caboose?? He has more lives than a cat and looks like everyone of his “dear friends” are covering his tail. Someone please fill me in on this new development.
    Has anyone heard any results from the court today on the first case that was supposed to be heard today for the State? All appears quiet on the homefront.

    1. Not a word anywhere about the beginning of the DMR 5 prosecution in Harrison County. Ms. Gollott was to be first, starting yesterday. Strange indeed.

        1. Hammer,Did you see this reported anywhere? I have not seen a shred of info about it. You would think they would have announced this to the public thru various news outlets.

            1. I did go to the WXXV website and found the news clip. Based on this the first trail, which is Gollott, is being postponed due to a plea deal being worked out and she is expected to plead guilty to something in May.

  3. You have to wonder if the vandalism at Frank” Frankie” Palazzo’s house was random or sending a message?

  4. At some point Rep. Palazzo is going to be confronted with the sins of his father. I am curious about any interaction he may have had with the access to the CIAP money or Michael Janus, Moby Solangi, Sharon Walker and IMMS/Ocean Expo. Did he help with all of the money thrown at this failed project? Is he running interference for the Janus- Walker gang now? What is his relationship with the Walkers. I do remember Tom Reynolds, David Harris, Bill Walker,Scott Walker and others doing a fundraiser for him over in Ocean Springs. The property shown as the Reynolds Front Beach parcel in the OIG report was owned by Reynolds, Palazzo and Harris thru an LLC I believe prior to the purchase by the DMR using CIAP funds. Palazzo sued Reynolds and others to get his portion of the proceeds after Reynolds refused to pay his demand. Somebody who can access this info needs to do so and give all of the details to the Taylor people. While they may not use it,I suggest they better get serious and pull up along side the Palazzo campaign ship and open fire with all cannons. Stephen “Little Frankie” Palazzo is vulnerable and his defeat will be caused by a negative here a negative there to get at the variety of voters who will participate in this election. Time is of the essence.

  5. A Thad Cochran sign in front of the Oak Park stackables, shocking. A friend of mine over in Ocean Springs refers to them as the low income ghettoes of tomorrow. For sure they are government subsidized housing that Cloyd and Associates, thru connections from his previous employer’ were able to place in that location. Walker, Janus, Gregory, Cloyd and the rest are the Republican prototypes that will always support whomever the party boss tells them to. I bet none have ever had an original thought. Tow the party line and you get CDBG money, CIAP money, HUD money, pay back contracts and the other perks passed out by the party in power. You can even put someone in a position of authority like Jamie Miller or Ashley Edwards so you can take further advantage of the system. Nothing short of murder would surprise me (except for Bill Walker) that these people would do to make money. Good party boys they are. Upstanding citizens interested in the well being of our community they are not. Like the cycle of the locust I will be glad when they are washed out of here.

  6. I forgot to mention that when I was at Stennis yesterday in Hancock County for the ribbon cutting ceremony at the rocket testing facility I saw Ashley Edwards on the front row glad handing all who would make eye contact with him. He chased around after our Gov and Senator like a big puppy after a milk producing gland. Would it not be great to send him on a test flight to see what effect the lack of gravity would have on his double chin which looks to be pregnant again. That’s all for today ,I promise.

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