Judge Ginger layeth the smacketh down while Nunny remains the 500 pound gorilla

Seeing as how today is Wrestlemania Sunday and we’ve been Thompsonless here at Slabbed for a while:

Federal judge denies WWE’s bid to seize counterfeit goods ~ Richard Thompson

I think I saw Richard on Errol and the Noisemakers a month or two or three ago if memory serves.

Next up folks is a strange investigation as I have never heard Lee Zurik work so hard to not drop the name which inspired the report:

Lee Zurik Investigation: Plaquemines Parish woman demands federal probe

FOX 8 WVUE New Orleans News, Weather, Sports

The beast has no appetite for Nunny IMHO.

Bonus link: Down the primrose path we go…….

In today’s day and age entities with several hundred employees should have a qualified risk manager on staff, the post title and my takeaway of the below explains why in this particular instance:

Supervisors weigh options as health insurance costs climb ~ Dwayne Bremer

Back in the good ole days local governments could actually bid their coverages. Nowadays, salesmen for oligopolies rule the day.

Toxic Waste: Bremer keeps yammering about this Hancock Medical lawsuit…….

Here in Hancock County everyone is talking hospital these days because there are a few problems over on Drinkwater:

Hancock Medical adds to lawsuit ~ Dwayne Bremer

I see from a PACER perusal that Hancock Medical has brought in some hired guns from the Northeast to enroll in the case. The lawsuit is still very young but the financial problems at the Hospital are not as the new management group is busy untangling the mess. At this point one naturally wonders if former Hospital administrator Hal Leftwich got out while the getting was still proverbially good:

Leftwich is leaving Hancock Medical Center ~ Brad Kessie

Stay tuned.

Miller Time: The spring PR and Trial seasons are upon us

I had no clue the entirety of the state’s Gross Domestic Product made it into the state’s coffers but after reading Jamie Miller’s latest in the Sun Herald that no clue feeling washed over me several times in a tide of cheap talking points, skillfully packaged as they were:

JAMIE M. MILLER: Time for DMR to focus on its mission

Meantime in other news complete with mugshots:

Trials set in state cases against former DMR employees ~ Anita Lee

Let’s mark our Circuit Court calendars:

  • Leslie Gollott: April 21
  • Grant Larsen: May 12
  • Tina Shumate: May 19
  • Susan Perkins: May 19
  • Kerwin Cuevas: August 4

Here at Slabbed we’re not marking calendars to join any sort of lynch mob no siree. Slabbed is known for making bold predictions and I have one for the outcome of these State Auditor lead investigations, which with one exception focused on mid level employees and stopped way short on the dealings between the Marine Resources Foundation and other Jackson County based nonprofits.

Lets set the morning line, specifically the acquittal over/under of these 5 upcoming cases at 2.5.  I like the over there as I foresee three acquittals though five would not surprise me.