In other Christmas Eve News

David Welker? Where in the heck have we heard that name before.  😉

Former FBI agent appointed interim CEO of BP oil spill claims office ~ Mark Schleifstein

Anyone so interested in the goings on at the BP Spill claims office should be reading Jason Berry over at American Zombie, especially you trial lawyer hating GOP types.

Moving right along we have the small town of Semmes Alabama and their Christmas parade (h/t Jr in comments).

Surprise! Alabama Town Accidentally Invites Black Drag Queens to Perform in Christmas Parade ~ Progressive Populist

The pictures of the locals reacting to the The Prancing Elite are simply priceless. I know this, should the Prancers be retained for the Bay St Louis Christmas parade, I would most certainly go. Something tells me business will be picking up for troupe. You go girls!

5 thoughts on “In other Christmas Eve News”

  1. My Fellow Americans,

    Merry Christmas to all and lets hope next year will be more beneficial to the tax payers of Mississippi.

    First–We will have the selection of the new Jackson County Sheriff–Unless the individual has already been “selected” in a back room deal and the supervisors are just going through the motions. 🙂

    Second–It looks like the DMR’s Chief of Marine Patrol is open for recruitment once again. Very suspicious and lets see what happens on this “selection.” I think there is probably a good ol’ boy in mind for that spot. That opening can be found on the state personnel board website.

  2. Let me see if I’ve got this “straight”. (1) Welker, who had been given a very PUBLIC extension on his “mandatory retirement date” announces his retirement well in advance of the extended date. No reason(s) ever given. (2) The photo which accompanies Welker’s “elevation” to CEO of the BP Claims Office shows Welker and Lettenemgo at a Press Conference on the steps of the Federal Courthouse. Wasn’t this the very same Press Conference during which Lettenemgo proclaimed that NO ONE in his office had knowledge of any secret Comments on Internet Web-Sites about pending cases in the AUSA Office? This was a LIE, and Lettenemgo ultimately was forced to resign in DISGRACE because of his LIES to the Public, among other reasons. (3) Welker already worked for the Claims Office BEFORE Pat Juneau recently nominated him to the CEO position, the former CEO having resigned in DISGRACE. Welker’s position was “Head of Security”, but he utterly FAILED to discover the CORRUPTION identified in the first Freeh Report, which occurred RIGHT UNDER HIS and Juneau’s NOSE. And why, just why, does Juneau still have his job? Who is “protecting” him, the Judge? (4) I can wallpaper a small room with requests for FBI assistance which I addressed to Welker to investigate civil rights CRIMES committed against me, personally, by Federal employees at various times, including FBI Agents. (5) Welker is as BAD as the people who are pulling his strings. He will be a hinderance to Freeh’s on-going investigation, not a “help”. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  3. Just “Dream” of da’ Political Power of Prancing Pussies Batman,

    To prove Mississippi is as politically correct as Frisco and NOLA, progressively open to all people of different sexual orientation and no longer homophobic may I suggest that the City of Bay St.Louis invite “Dream” as the Honorary Captain Twirler in Transparent Tights to lead the Prancing Elite in a 2014 “Down Town” Decadence Parade.

    Could have such summer activities as genitalia sand sculpturing, sweetest hairless ass, best hormonally induced hooters cuminating (sic) in free marriages* on da’ beach at sunset.

    * All matrimonial celebrants presided over by an “ad jock” judge, namely dat anonymous, race car drivin’ lawyer who got rear ended by a “Dream Ridin'” 18″ wheeler in L.A then called da’ Sheriff in Jacksonville, Fla instead of writin’ a $100,000 “quickie” check ( without first calling lawyer Michael Hinglerroids).

    1. Aw, honey, have some Christmas spirit and a snort of a Cosmopolitan and cheer on the Prancing Elites on YouTube. A sister dolphin turned me on to J-Stepping and let’s have a shout out to Jackson State for this amazing dance style. All yall homophobes can go to YouTube and find Nelly (extra-butch) and Ciara (hot chocolate) J-stepping to Nelly’s ode to footwear, “Step On My J”. Trust me, you will be a fan of J-Stepping after you see it. Not to mention Ciara twerking. Happy holidays to everyone, put on your Daisy Dukes and J-Step!

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