Best of the rest plus comment bump

We start with a comment bump because we have to put these rumors regarding the Vessel Mystic to rest:

In regards to the Mystic. No State or DMR money was used to purchase or fix the old boat. The Mystic was donated to the YMCA-Harris in 2008 by Ross Dodds, the boat set in ocean springs harbor in the front of the Harbor Landing for a year after that in disarray with no repairs to it. Matthew Hinton purchased the boat in July 2009. The Coast Guard Doc reflects this. Matthew hauled the boat out in April 2010 in Gautier, and began repairs on the boat. After digging further he discovered there was a lot of work to be done and was stuck on the yard for over 400 days with little help. He has done a grand job bringing this classic boat back!

Next up there was no way Jamie Miller would buck Phil Bryant and get in the way of Phil and his hard on to drill wells in the Mississippi sound:

DMR’s Jamie Miller OKs Mississippi Development Authority’s process for drilling leases in state waters ~  Gareth Clary

Meantime Cotton Mouth breaks down the Butler Snow Law Firm’s political connections including Hancock County’s own Heather Ladner.

Finally we have another piece on problems at the Mississippi Department of Education.

Board Member: State Superintendent admitted to School ratings fraud ~ Amy McCullough

9 thoughts on “Best of the rest plus comment bump”

  1. The above remarks about the Mystic are all true. Is Hinton an employee of David Harris? And does he operate a commercial charter service out of the OS harbor?

    1. Not An employee but he is the NEPHEW of DAVID ROSE the yes man to JOE ZiEGLER
      Mr Rose was put over the fish hatchery with no education marine biology. After all he had always been in the marine patrol geez maybe being a mullet cop makes you qualify !

    2. Mathew Hinton (the mystic owner)Not An employee but he is the NEPHEW of DAVID ROSE the yes man to JOE ZiEGLER
      Mr Rose was put over the fish hatchery with no education marine biology. After all he had always been in the marine patrol geez maybe being a mullet cop makes you qualify !

  2. Jamie Miller’s hiring by the Gubbner was purpose driven. We now are seeing the purpose. The MDA is a money machine acting as an ATM for the connected cronies like granting CDBG funding for age restricted retirement communities to awarding no bid contracts like the recent one for Christmas to Frontier. When will all of this be looked into because it needs to be? The state auditor’s term “misuse of public money” comes in many forms and is accomplished in many ways. Of course in Pickering’s eyes it could never apply to his “dear friends”. We are getting to see some great examples from the DMR, DEQ to the MDA. Merry Christmas to all who partake in this type of behavior. Hopefully the New Year will be time to pay the piper for all of the ill gotten gains.

  3. It appears people believe there is oil in the MS Sound and are touting ‘drill, baby, drill’ when in fact if they would do their research, there is only a limited amount of natural gas. And how many vehicles run on natural gas?

    Why do you think Governor Bryant appointed Jamie Miller to the top post at DMR? Do you think it was to save and protect the environment? It appears it is to give his cronies and people of questionable backgrounds high dollar positions.

    Research the facts; and they are not in South Mississippi’s favor or support. And when Miller speaks, remember who he is speaking for and weigh and analyze his words. Miller is a yes man for Bryant and who and how many else is debatable.

  4. Doug, thanks for the connection to “Cottonmouth.” Some interesting connections with the highest ranking state officials and Butler Snow law firm.
    Speaking of connections, did you know the Bay-Waveland School Board received an award from State Auditor, Stacey Pickering for their wonderful bookkeeping and management of the public’s funds?
    Who knows, they may have done a good job, but with the political climate what it is right now with the Pickering’s escapades, I think I would have skipped the award. That’s like getting an award on marksmanship from Jesse James.

  5. I thought that the ruling on the DMR “secret files” were supposed to be addressed yesterday, Dec 18. I don’t see anything online OR in the Sun Herald. Anyone heard anything???? Looks like we’ve been duped again???

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