A couple of thoughts about yesterday’s DMR Indictments….

I hope everyone noticed the Scott Walker/Michael Janus indictment was captioned First Superseding Indictment, which means Walker and Janus have known for some time they were charged with federal crimes.  I am told plea talks broke down thus yesterday’s torrent of federal and state charges including the first revision to the alleged crimes involving the City of D’Iberville perpetrated by Walker and Janus.  I thought the Mississippi Press using Scott Walker’s Ocean Springs DUI booking photo for their story on the federal indictments of he and his daddy Bill Walker was precious.

Meantime over at Trinity Walker’s blog Worn One Time there has been no much activity since Team Walker toured Alaska back over the Summer.

Who likes a good perp walk? Luckily for everyone the Sun Herald put a video up on YouTube of yesterday’s parade of former DMR employees facing state charges:


Meantime Justin Mitchell checks in this morning with an update from downtown Gulfport for the Sun Herald:

Five indicted on DMR-related federal charges meet with FBI

This may mean another nice video is on the way. Back to those charged with state crimes because Auditor Pickering has been pouring over DMR’s books and records for a year now including collaborating with the Federal Prosecutors to defy a state court order depriving the Sun Herald access to certain public records early this week.  And despite his office’s press release touting the million dollar civil demand made of 9 people yesterday by the Office of the State Auditor, a year long investigation complete with late theatrics involving the Gulf Publishing Public Records lawsuit netted criminal activity totaling $4,389.77.  Here is a nice graphic which breaks things down:

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Excuse me if I am underwhelmed because I am. What pumps the numbers up is Pickering stuck the million dollar cost of his year long investigation into the petty thievery on those 5 employees that were charged plus a few others including Joe Ziegler and Bill Walker. To those so charged it must be galling to know they are getting stuck with tab for the Team Pickering to hang out at Krispy Kreme cussing and discussing 5 employees that pumped up their travel by a few thousand dollars. Worst part is this is not a slam dunk prosecution so the cost of prosecution is still running.

I have many more thoughts on the Federal Indictments and will present them later.

21 thoughts on “A couple of thoughts about yesterday’s DMR Indictments….”

  1. Would never have thought of buying a bag large enough for my “gum” if you hadn’t linked that blog! LOL

  2. So why did Hood, Dowdy, and Pickering go to such extreme measures (like ignoring a court order) to keep records hidden from the public when the FBI has had enough information to indict for months? There is something very strange going on here and it is in those records. The shame of it is that Dowdy will keep them hidden under “the FEDs can do what they want” theory. The Jackson crowd can say all they want about the Coast being corrupt but you boys have shown your true colors… Hood, Dowdy, and Pickering. Maybe when y’all are snake handling and Bible Thumping in the Baptist church this weekend you will see a revelation and realize your wicked ways will be exposed. Can I get an Amen Brother!!?!? Jimmy Swaggart reinvented himself….maybe you can too. One good thing out of all of this is that Hood and Pickering have politically peaked. This whole mess will be their legacy, seal their fate, and they will rise no further.

  3. You can only assume the battle of the records has to do with a Federal Grand Jury in Jackson now going thru these records beginning this week. I am being told that there are more coming. This was only round one. I would think this has to be correct because of all other areas we know have not been mentioned in the charges. Even Limp D Pickering said this matter was not over.

  4. Some good footage of handcuffed Scott Walker being escorted by FBI agents just posted on the Sunherald website.I like his DUI picture better. He seems to be saying “I don”t give a F…K, I am Scott Walker!!!

  5. Holy Forest Gump Shrimp Company Batman,

    These shrimpy restitution monies remind me of Forest Gump’s furst shrimp trawl wit’ a BFED ( Big Fish Excluder Device).

    We got millions in land and boat scams outstanding and Forest Gump be jumpin’ out his boat all excited wit’ da’ engine runnin’ and swimming to da’ grand jury wit’ his 120 count/lb shrimpy catch.

    Come on Forest, put da’ shrimp and box of chocolates down and look at da “‘ Forest before da’ trees” before the Judge laughs you out his court.

  6. I am truly disappointed in the results of this investigation to date. Some of the numbers and charges that have been listed are very small, if any, compensation for the loss of lives. In particularly, one special individual that never harmed a soul and did her job as directed. I am sad because this is not, in any way, close to making these scoundrels accountable for what they did to her.
    I will be happy when they are all thrown in prison – not a cush hotel room, but I mean a real prison. It would be nice if they had to bust rocks every day, or do some physical labor like all of us that they stole from do every day. Maybe picking up garbage by the side of the road with signs on their backs saying “Money is my God and I value it more than human life”. Or better would be “I killed for the love of money”. Maybe pink skiivvies would be nice for them also. And I wouldn’t want them to be lonely in their tiny cell. Please give each one a “nice” room mate to play with.
    I am shocked at what has come down the pipes so far. This is like a slap on the hand to a child who has taken candy. Come on FBI – cut them no slack and make them pay EVERY PENNY they stole from the Taxpayer – plus restitution!
    Where are the indictments for the rest of the CONprofit gang? Are there any charges for Harris, Cloyd, McAdams, Mama Walker, anyone at IMMS? anyone at Cedar Point Fish Hatchery? anyone at the Lyman Fish Hatchery? MDA? DEQ? Trudy? Barbour? Bryant? Past Senate Pro Tems? Any local Mayors? Please don’t tell me that the investigation is over??? You guys are leaving a lot out!!!

    1. Using the DMR fishing frame of reference, it seems appropriate to ask the question: At this point are we looking at the catch, the bait, or some combination of the above? I think there are still boats fishing and there is already more catch in the wells which hasn’t been reported yet.

      If anyone concerned is thinking that they are the bait, then perhaps they should remember that the tasty bait sometimes gets eaten no matter what fishing gets done.

      Doesn’t ‘taterhead have another bun in the oven?

        1. I think so too. I will be stunned if there are more than two additional people facing federal indictment. Additional state charges? I say zero. Total additional restitution demanded by the guardian of the purse Pickering? Zero.

          Something like Pickering’s negotiated settlement with daddy Walker wasn’t done without advance approvals from higher up the food and justice chain.

  7. Just listened to Stacey Pickering on Paul Gallo’s show. Pickering said he doesn’t anticipate any further indictments coming from the DMR investigation. Listen Below (about 19:45 is when he starts talking about no further indictments):


    David Harris….it looks like you made it through the Walker web profitably and without indictments! Enjoy the money you stole from the Harbor Landing scam because Pastor Pickering is an incompetent auditor! I guess this what happens when you put a Baptist Seminarian in a technical role like Audit.

    1. Let’s not forget da’ duly vetted and appointed Miller Lite management of das boots’ liquidation and other Miller Lite sponsored parties/projects for the new and improved DMR, Department of Marine Reprobates.

    2. Stacey Pickering has also stated the investigation of this matter is not over and others could be indicted. This was reported on WLOX. I guess you could assume the FEDS will do more. At a minimum the CIAP funds may have to be repaid by the taxpayers if they so desire to make a demand. If they do then all future CIAP funds could be withheld from MS.

    3. David Harris, in my opinion taught Bill Walker how to form and work a CONprofit. His day of judgment is not far off. He is drinking himself to death with cheap vodka. The IRS CID should be just around the corner.

  8. I agree with rfp and also that Pickering will let those scums off with a fine and a slap on the hands since he is protecting his friends.

    And Biloxi Blue, regarding David Harris, as much as he has stolen from the public funds at DMR, why does he drink cheap vodka. Look at what he got for the harbor property!

    Auditor; I fully concur that Pickering is an incompetent Baptist Auditor. But will his actions come back to bite him in the butt?

    And will the FBI get more of the crooks since it seems that Pickering will not?

    1. He drinks cheap vodka because he knows no better. He is a miserable drunk. Money cannot help him. The good people of Ocean Springs should shun him. Stacey Pickering really is covering for some if he allows the rest of what went on in the other schemes to just die. If everybody starts demanding justice in these matters maybe someone will listen.

  9. I agree with rfp and also that Pickering will let those scums off with a fine and a slap on the hands since he is protecting his friends.

    And Biloxi Blue, regarding David Harris, as much as he has stolen from the public funds at DMR, why does he drink cheap vodka. Look at what he got for the harbor property!

    Auditor; I fully concur that Pickering is an incompetent Baptist Auditor. But will his actions come back to bite him in the butt?

    And will the FBI get more of the crooks since it seems that Pickering will not?

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