So the assemblage is calling for Mugshots…..

After covering a couple three of these criminal investigation thingys my best advice is patience as there is certainly lots happening in the background. For instance political favors are certainly being called etc etc as these things are undeniably intertwined with the criminal justice process. These are reasons that folks like Ray Ray the Chocolate Guy in New Orleans are literally indicted on the eve of the expiration of the statute of limitations.  These things are largely outside the control of the unwashed masses.

But for those that may have forgotten Slabbed, along with the Sun Herald were early innovators on the topic of mugshots and the Walker clan.  In fairness to Slabbed, the Sun Herald didn’t use Scott Walker’s Mug Shot from his DUI arrest as their only Walker photo as we did here at Slabbed, but we operate on a shoestring budget,

There has been stuff happening though and but it takes some ciphern’ and deciphering to make sense of but luckily for everyone Cousin Cooter from Jackson has lent some assistance.  He tells me the authorities are evidently looking at far more than just DMR corruption and it is hard to tell if the various data points intersect.  I do not have all the answers but we cracked the Dampier Fishing trip and the connection to Hemphill as the community came through for RFP knows his chit.

This is what I can say as the following data points do correlate.  The investigative community is closely examining S. H. Anthony Construction (‘Gate take a bow) and when I think about that topic I think Harrison County Utility Authority. The Sun Herald has done some great work in exposing the insider perks Anthony showered on the previous executive director but the name I heard linked to Anthony had nothing to do with that, at least on the surface. That name is former Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety Steve Simpson.

So the next step is to google to see what, if any connection I could find and sure enough there is a Steve Simpson for Attorney General fundraiser from 2011 where Sean Anthony served as one of the event chairmen so there is a campaign money connection at a minimum.  A few other names associated with the event stuck out to me such as Joe Cloyd but the list of patrons includes a who’s who of local GOP stalwarts, including a few for whom I have great respect.

So how does Steve Simpson fit in with Sean Anthony and why would the investigative community be interested is the mystery to be solved.  My money is on the Slabbed Nation solving this mystery as Cousin Cooter kept yammering on about a jailbreak and how the story is out there.  Evidently we just have to find it. Question, comments and observations welcome as always.

9 thoughts on “So the assemblage is calling for Mugshots…..”

  1. The first thing that comes to mind is that Steve Simpson recently stated that he was representing Sean Anthony. The link to the Sun Herald article is now broken, but used to lead to:

    1. Supposedly what they are looking at goes back to Simpson’s days running DPS. Lots of Simpsons in that story on the Utility Authority. Excellent refresher.

        1. I think the links were bad in the one I posted a few minutes ago.

          Supposedly what they are looking at goes back to Simpson

  2. I don’t know who Cousin Cooter is but I agree with him that “the authorities are evidently looking at far more than just DMR corruption”. I feel fairly confident that they are pulling in as many points in as possible and want to make sure they get these criminals on all counts. I, like all of you, are anxious to know the outcome of the entire investigation but I think we need to try and have confidence in the feds that they are doing all that they can to bring this house down the best and most severe way possible. Let us not forget all of the outside trouble Scott Walker got in during the same time that most of this money was being abused. (Thanks for that mugshot flashback, Doug!) He got out of everything (a major mystery) and went through a divorce. That had to me a major buyout and expense. And the money that went into his mother’s hands for IMMS is still a mystery to me even after the recent SH articles on that point.

  3. The Walker mystery is no mystery at all. Scott Walker’s father probably just wrote a check, maybe from the foundation for all of the legal expenses. They hired very expensive legal counsel in Washington and outlawyered the poor girl who was assaulted with the telephone. The DUI case in Jackson County was dismissed on a signature error. The Miller law team that specializes in DUI defense held this until the final minutes of the trial and had it dismissed. Again, lots of money spent to work the system. As long as daddy can pay the legal bills and momma has that grant money to sway power over some he will be held in favor by those that can pull the strings. Once all collapses he will be swept away by the same group of people. Funny how it works. On the other subject of the HCUD,the Simpsons,SH Anthoney and others I heard that Shaun and Kamran had both gone over to the other side. Both have be suspected of being wired for sound and are helping in the investigation of how all of the millions have been spent since Katrina. A big portion of these funds stayed in Jackson as soft costs which ran about 3 times the industry average for similar type of work. Wonder who got all that money? Maybe, like the DMR, we will know someday.

    1. The Hancock County Utility Authority also showed up in a couple of those IG reports. Been a long time since Operation Pretense. The scope of what is out there implies the size of the investigation could be huge.

      If Sean Anthony is cooperating and he kept the right records…….

  4. The FBI contract review team and municipal audits. Two phrases that usually do not go together. But when in D’Iberville…

    D’Iberville getsa ‘clean, good opinion’ in report

    The Sun Herald report begins:
    D’IBERVILLE — An audit of last year’s books shows the city and its coffers are growing. The audit also caught a city employee getting free utilities, several businesses operating without licenses and two irregular contracts already under review by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    Farther down some information about the known knowns:

    Several irregularities also were noted and Bell said, “Some of these items have

    been corrected already.”

    Mayor Rusty Quave said city officials took immediate action when they learned about the problems, and in some cases fired employees.

    The most serious are two questionable invoices that involve former City Manager Michael Janus, who was fired in March. One was a $180,000 payment to Maxwell Walker consulting firm for securing a $3 million BP grant to help pay the city’s expenses for Ocean Expo aquarium. Janus had hired his business partner, Scott Walker, who was also a partner in Maxwell Walker.

    Then a construction firm by the name of SH Anthony gets a mention in conjunction with former City Manager Michael Janus.

    The city confirmed the auditors were told the FBI is investigating the Maxwell Walker contract, along with a second invoice that involves SH Anthony Construction Co. in Gulfport and a $3.5 million federal project to rebuild Central Avenue in D’Iberville.

    Hit the full story for the details on the Central Avenue contract special billing arrangement made in favor of SH Anthony by Janus.

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