This is too rich……

I’ve had some interesting days in my 5 plus years doing this blog and today ranks right up there.

A few weeks ago I promised to publish the entire document dump from Slabbed’s Jefferson Parish Public Records Request project of 2012. Here is the first installment of docs obtained August 10, 2012, a day and week I’ll never forget as that week as I helped bury a close friend as well as box dived Aaron Broussard’s files sick as a dog with the shingles.

Here are the files from that day, some of which have been published, others not.

AMV PRR and Personnel Board Appeal

Broussard First Bank and Trust 1

Broussard First Bank and Trust 2

Broussard First Bank and Trust 3

Broussard First Bank and Trust

Chereen Gegemheimer PRR and Email Chain Continue reading “This is too rich……”

History will record that…………

Not that long ago I wrote that the Occupy movement and the TEA Party had far more in common with each other than they ever will with the politicians that purport to represent them. Consider this Exhibit A:

IRS Targeted Progressive Groups, Too, Documents Reveal ~ Sam Stein

It is also equally true I’ve never had much use for political shills that drink too much of the Kool Aid they slop to the general public so I thought I would point out the right wing nuts at Human Events once again exhibit themselves as idiots and not even the useful variety.

Politicians keep the masses divided using bullshit issues that are in reality not salient to the lives of 99% of the populace.  Keeping people divided enables politicians in both parties to lie, cheat and steal to their hearts content.

What will be interesting to see is if the right wing pols that have made a big deal of the IRS being a political extension of the executive offices of the President of the United States will be as interested in pursuing the targeting of perceived left wing groups.

Crash and Burn: Comfort station lawsuit dropped

Folks excuse me while I take a victory lap.

Bay St. Louis residents drop case opposing comfort station ~ Leighanne Lockhart

Now folks my litigation experience is still what I would term very limited, but it seems to me the first thing one should expect from their lawyer is a solid determination whether the case has a chance including a solid assessment whether the litigants are prepared to do what it takes to successfully assert their claims. Given the following it is clear such was missing from the equation:

The hearing was scheduled for Tuesday, but the residents filed a motion Monday to drop the lawsuit, and the case was dismissed, their attorney Henry Laird said.

“The amount of energy and resources to fight would have taken at least another two years, and it’s something my clients just could not do,” Laird said.

The prior jurisprudence, especially in the litigation involving the I-110 loop, indicated to me the Bay property owners had no chance at prevailing here.  Filing and then losing lawsuits with little chance of victory carries consequences but I imagine the County was gracious in victory.  After all, these property owners are fine people, some of whom I greatly respect. They simply did not think this whole deal through with clarity. Continue reading “Crash and Burn: Comfort station lawsuit dropped”