7 thoughts on “Is it me or are industrial plants in Louisiana beginning to explode with regularity???”

  1. big gas pipeline, not a plant. the folks where that explosion was are all on propane. way back in the woods. just goes to show you how safe pipelines are, keystone xl and whatnot.

  2. Doug, I found it amusing that the Becnel group was first to leave the station with the worker at a neighboring plant. The circumstances are such to suggest the plaintiff had former dealings with the firm and had one of those “serendipitous” moments we lawyers can only dream of among clients.

  3. Becnel 1st; Fayard & Honeycutt 2nd.

    Looks like a suit they filed years ago against Vulcan Materials in Geismar. The big difference here is the Vulcan release did not kill 2 people inside Vulcan’s facility. The next big difference is the Vulcan leak was alleged to have affected people at BASF, approximately 3/4 of a mile away. The explosion and fire at Williams Olefins was 5 miles from BASF.

    1. I’ve gotten word that the Texas boys are helicoptering in on this case. Given the facts the likelihood of a class getting the proverbial “meal at McDonalds” settlement is about right.

      1. Well, since they’re from out of state and all, if you talk to them, tell them you have a solid source who says there are remote controlled surveillance cameras that might have captured some of the incident, including those individuals understandably running for their lives:

        1 located at the corner of Hwy 3115 and Hwy 30, just inside the fence line. It revolves 360 degrees, oscillates, etc. The view of the unit where the incident occurred may be obstructed by a patch of forest between the camera and the unit.

        1 located at the gate (camera in a black bulb)about 640+/- feet ESE of the intersection. It may have a limited view.

        1 camera probably identical to the intersection camera mentioned above, but located above the security shack about 640 feet ESE. Of these 3 cameras, this 1 has the best, unobstructed vantage point.

        They may have to ask the regulatory agencies for copies of the videos since it’s likely the originals are in their possession.

        IMH non-attorney opinion, Becnel filed suit so quickly, with Fayard’s firm virtually shadowing him, in an effort to position themselves on any steering committee to be appointed by whatever court these suits wind up in. AROD can tell you how being the first to file does not guarantee squat if you don’t have the politics on your side.

        1. Not At All, that is a good assessment on why you try the first train to leave the station.

          I’ll pass along your comments to the “associates” who lost clients.

          1. Empire: Tell the associates there is a “safe room” or “safe building” in the plant where a few people stayed for quite a while. There may be monitors in that room for the surveillance cameras. Depositions?

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