Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: In Obama’s world, who are the bad guys?

Friday, June 14th, 2013
Baton Rouge, Louisiana


My regular morning coffee group gets to the nuts and bolts of what’s wrong with America each morning as we hash it all out over strong chicory and beignets. Quite frankly, the nation would be better served if members of congress would just heed the advice of our over 70 gang who collectively have a lot of common sense. All of us are a bit surprised over the outrage regarding the Obama Administration’s “secret surveillance” program that has apparently been going on for years.

Senate majority leader Harry Reid from Nevada summed it up very well: “Right now I think everyone should just calm down and understand that this isn’t anything that is brand new, it’s been going on for some seven years…” What Reed is saying reflects the same warped view that’s been expressed by way too many voices in both political parties. If our representatives standby and allow the government to abuse power long enough, it becomes okay. We just suck it up, and allow one constitutional provision after another to get thrown under the bus.

Spying on all of us by the government as well as by the private sector has been going on for some time. Like it or not, you are being digitally frisked and strip-searched every hour of every day. Your smartphone, computer, all other electronic communication devices pour out digital bits and bytes that are collected by more groups than any of us can imagine. Even your cable connected TV or DVD player sends out information on what programs and movies you watch. Continue reading…….

18 thoughts on “Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: In Obama’s world, who are the bad guys?”

  1. O.K. So some belive that this has been going on for a long time. But for immediate past and present purposes, our (American’s) freedoms are being eroded by the failure to secure our borders, and allowing flotsam and jetsome into our land to enjoy exactly what we enjoy, but without having contributed to creating what we enjoy(ed, in the past). Cases in point: Boston Massacre – Muslim; Santa Monica Shooter – Muslim (although some LSM outlets say he was a “Lebanese Christian”, without providing any proof of his (or his Family’s) religious affiliation; St. Louis Shooter – Muslim. And there are even some who attribute Islamic affiliation to the Sandy Hook Shooter. WAKE UP, AMERICA! Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. HEY Ashton! Great to hear from you.
      QUICK QUESTION ~ How many MUSLIMS were among those who ABDUCTED & TORTURED YOU?…???
      NOW…How many RICH WHITE ELITISTS?~ Wake UP & see who the REAL enemy is! U.S. GOVERNMENT! YOUR BROAD Generalization condemning Muslims is unrealistic, narrow minded, and pardon me for using the R WORD…It is RACIST.

      1. Patricia: I agree with you but how many people are the white elitist Government blowing up and killing masses of people.The white Government elitists are a problem but the radical faction of the Muslim immigrants are a bigger problem and both the elitists and Muslim radicals need to be dealt with quickly.

        Lets rally with the Lafayette Square Wino at the American flag pole which is located—– and you could do some pole dancing moves in those net stockings which should work up the crowd in a frantic lather.Ashton is your heart ready for this rally?

        1. KILLING ~ RAPE ~ TORTURE…24/7 in this Great Nation.
          IN the US PRISON SYSTEM!
          I call it COWARDLY, INAPPROPRIATE, & UNINTELLIGENT to lash out at those who are DESIGNATED a target by ONE’S OWN ENEMY! Wake up! The GOV’T LOVES to have ya’ll expending all your energies hating an elusive enemy….THINK ABOUT IT!

          1. Patricia: hardly anyone is getting raped and killed at Angola anymore as that once violent institution has been tamed by the institution of the Southern Baptist Seminary College which has produced hundreds of graduate pastors who are then serving as missionaries at Angola and other prisoners in Louisiana.

            In fact, an 80 year old lifer was released by Gov. Blanco several years ago( first lifter to be released – nicknamed ” The Bishop”) and he immediately went on a national tour of other state penal institutions as they have noticed and want to duplicate Angola’s progress to such a non- violent system.

            As to the question is there too many people in state penal institutions the answer is yes, especially the ones there for drug use.rut the others for violent murder, gang murderers, armed robbery,rape especially of children belong there as they have no respect for God much less human lives.

            Secure the borders with military posts and real weapons and remove those who don’t appreciate the U.S. freedoms. But restore all our freedoms NOW including the right of the SlabbedNation to exist without interference from international SLAPP obstructionists.

  2. Some “believe”????? I’d point you to acknowledged and documented acts going as far back as Woodrow Wilson’s regime, certainly you jest in forgetting FDR’s abuse of the Office of Naval Intelligence, and fast forward to Leviathan taking hold asfter LBJ to the present. Ashton, man, choose your words better!

  3. To TEP: Sorry, but those things don’t have a direct impact (other then “historical”) on us NOW. Camel-Shit-Eaters DO affect us now, and we should EXPEL them and their wives and offspring, NOW! Ashton O’Dwyer.

  4. AROD: All Muslim visas need to be suspended and those bearing student and work visas cancelled and expelled. All naturalized Muslim citizens( in the last 15 years) need to report for family registration census for better tracking purposes because we are at War with Muslim terrorists despite what the President says *. Those who fail to report with temporary visas or register for family census would be subject to immediate deportation.Is this profiling Muslims? Yes it is and that’s better then targeting all U.S. citizens

    * The Brits are currently rioting because they have had it with the immigrant Muslims take over there. We will soon be doing the same with more attacks that get by Homeland Security.

    Then drop all Patriot Act spy games on U.S. citizens and give us ALL our constitutional F R E E D O M S back .

    TEP: Regarding FDR, at least he interred all the Japanese citizens in camps till war was over with Japan.He was not a politically correct person nor Muslim by birth thank God.

  5. Patricia: To you and EVERYONE who so casually labels Ashton O’Dwyer RACIST, I have a question: Please name ONE INSTANCE in the past 65 (soon to be 66) of my years on Earth that I have harmed or even threatened harm to even one Negro, or to even one camel-shit-eating Muslim motherfucker. I’m waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. And to all of you who call me RACIST: Go FUCK yourselves. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. YAH…You left out ELITIST PIGS ~
      Why are you INSULTED?

      Definition of RACISM
      1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
      2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

      NUFF SAID.
      Hey Ashton, ya wanna TALK RACISM?
      Then how can you be OFFENDED by the term?
      People LOVE getting a false sense of superiority by degrading people with a BROAD GENERALIZATION based on ETHNICITY, EDUCATION, FINANCIAL STATUS, UNFAIR STIGMAS!
      I am only CALLING it like it IS!


  6. My problem is that someone who was abused by State actors will defend those very State actors when they abuse their own citizens. The actions of the State in accelerating the destruction of U.S. Liberties would be intellectually equivalent to threatening the Soviet Union in the event of a takeover of West Berlin with the incineration of Omaha or Denver. Sadly most people don’t recognize that States historically fail in their most professed role, that of security against the outside, by subjugating those on the inside. Looking at every level of kleptocracy in our nation,
    quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Or, as Mencken might state, the people in a demockracy know what they deserve, and they get it, good and hard.

    Today, one in nine African American men between the ages of 20 and 34 is locked up.
    In 1970, our prisons held fewer than 200,000 people; now that number exceeds 1.5 million,
    and when you add in local jails, it’s 2.3 million

    1. The problem, Patricia, is that war on our own citizens called the “War on Drugs” subscribed to by both wings of Die Einpartei.

  8. MORE PROOF that the ELECTORAL PROCESS is MANIPULATED! U.S. Citizens do NOT DESERVE the PIGGIES who buy & steal their way into GOVERNMENT!

    Nope, this wasn’t Zimbabwe, it was Florida.

    Two vaults being used in a special election for the Florida House were stolen last week. Unbeknownst to the burglars, they were caught on videotape. The vaults contained a voting machine, the electronic storage device containing all early votes cast, and 850 blank ballots. The motive isn’t immediately clear, but here is what we know so far.

    In this report, I’ve gathered some of the answers needed to examine how the burglary might have affected the election.

    The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s office released a portion of the surveillance video; more information, contained in the police report, indicates there is additional footage not yet released to the public.



    More of this post on blackboxvoting.org

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