Vehuntur Ursus: Sunt sibi persuadere conabantur?

Oh my, trashing talking Steve Newhouse while celebrating the rise of the daily paper like Phoenix from the ashes……

SUN HERALD | Editorial: Latest research underscore confidence in daily newspapers ~ Sun Herald Editorial Board

But who else did they trash talk?

Some skeptics see the Internet as competition for or somehow detrimental to newspapers. But the AOR study — and all other serious media research — document that the Internet has become a most effective tool for extending newspaper readership. News is one of the primary reasons people use the Internet, and newspapers are by far the largest contributors to factual news content (as opposed to blogs, gossip and opinions) on the Web.

Paint me a skeptic and I have two words that well give the reason why as the following was handed to the Sun Herald on a silver platter and they choose to ignore it.

Bay Tech

Hardly confidence inspiring. But it isn’t one blog that constitutes the threat, rather it is the social media in its entirety.  After all, with Twitter who needed a journalist to cover the doings with Occupy Wall Street protest well after the fact on paper? Such is a growing trend, unlike the top line at the S/H’s corporate parent McClatchy.

What do the numbers at McClatchy say? They paint a far different picture because on May 10, 2013 McClatchy’s quarterly financials were filed and buried on page 3 of the MD&A is what most companies normally highlight on page 1 of same:

MNI Q12013 MD&A

And this is what management says about the year over year (YOY) revenue decline: Continue reading “Vehuntur Ursus: Sunt sibi persuadere conabantur?”