5 thoughts on “Earth to Michael Douglas: It is possible to have fun lickin’ and keep on tickin’……”

  1. Quote: “It’s possible to have fun lickin’
    and keep on tickin’…..”

    To that specific statement/question I’ll answer with a common Dizzy Deanism sayin’- “Podnuh, you ain’t just a woofin'”

    But the real question to ask is WWPS? – i.e. What Would Patricia Say?

  2. I agree with the admission (years after the fact) that it was not some female’s genital warts that did him in (HPV). Rather, Dr’ O’Dwyer’s diagnosis is that the throat cancer was caused by a cunt hair that became wrapped around his vocal cords. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  3. All of you are wet between the legs. the tea leaves say a devil’s promise was made on the casting couch and when broken she stuck an ice pick in throat of a voodoo doll.

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