Da Noose hangs all the birds with a wire……..

He kills it folks. Must read:

New regime, new network at DMR ~ Michael Newsom

They call it the Mississippi two step. Clean the Trent Lott hogs out of a state agency and replace them with Boss Hogg’s hogs. Classic.

Coming soon, I’ll explain why the good folks in the TEA Party need to join hands with Slabbed’s most famous anarchist Patricia. Β Yes, it is a high bar but just like Da Noose, Slabbed does not shy away from tough topics. Β πŸ˜‰

25 thoughts on “Da Noose hangs all the birds with a wire……..”

  1. Petty good piece. The web is so tangled that you could spin most of them as being, Haley’s, Phil’s, or Trent’s people. The factions of these political circles are not much different than modern day, public sector, organized crime. It’s all about the money, from the lobbyists and consultants, down to the vendors who sell campaign signs and shirts.

  2. Patricia is simply ashamed of her government, raising the black flag and sharpening the blade to slit a few throats.
    Aux laternes!

  3. Oh no! Please don’t tell me that we are getting more of the same! That place needs to be clean of all of he rubbish and trough holder ons. Can’t anyone help us down here? Is there anyone in Washington that cares? Why do we have to allow this to continue? What can we do to help?

    1. Yes Marcus, we are sorry to inform you but its the “same shit, different suit.” Quite honestly I think people associated with the Democratic or Independent parties might lend a hand if the right information was brought to them . However, the only time they would really engage is if there is a major threat in the way for an election. As of now, there is no major threat and there won’t be any coming out of the state of Mississippi for a long time.
      God knows that if these matters were brought to anyone within the state of Mississippi it would be immediately extinguished, buried and the whistle blower would somehow be black-balled. Another avenue would to keep gathering information as it becomes available (building a case.) Then, a request for federal action may prevail. More especially, if you can get the national press involved. πŸ˜‰

    2. My mistake. I put a _ in lieu of a – in my screen name.

      Yes Marcus, we are sorry to inform you but its the

  4. Eye, why hasn’t the national press covered this already? Are they being paid off? The same thing is going on in Florida and Louisiana….how can this continue? If this involves all of the people listed in the newspaper article, then it must go all the way back to the pazt president? There are many people involved in raping ou coastal restoration funds. They are covering for each other.

    1. Marcus,

      Quite honestly, I don’t think the National Press has really dug their cleats in yet. I am quite sure if they felt it was big enough they would have it plastered on the news already. I think “talking points” with Bill O. would be a great start. He He He.

      At this point the worst one could assume is there were “alleged” problems within a small state agency, the “crooks” don’t work there anymore and its under investigation. What we need is a smoking gun that will tie everything in for the national media to jump on and report. Who knows, something like that could be in the works πŸ˜‰

      1. Who knows, something like that could be in the works πŸ˜‰

        There must be some reason Stacey isn’t on the campaign trail helping McKay reel in the voters. Everyone else is at least keeping up appearances.

  5. Stacey Pickering has in his possession most of the knowledge about who did what at this point.His office stated when asked to comment about John McKay’s DMR fishing trips that they could not comment on an ongoing investigation. He must be keeping his distance for reasons we can guess pretty easily.

  6. I had forgotten that Joe Cloyd’s official title was “Aide de Camp” for Gov. Barbour. Now I remember the Taylor office getting a chuckle from his business card. The title signified that he was not doing the state’s business. Rather he worked for the Governor’s personal and political agenda.

  7. I do believe if we see much more of these sponges soaking up the taxpayers money we are going to have to march on the Bolton Building,Frontier’s office or million dollar row to run these people away from the people’s money. This cannot be left to continue. I live right around the corner from the Bolton Building so that will be an easy one to get to.I bet I could gather a hundred folks with 5 phone calls. People are mad as hell and we are not going to take it any more.

    1. I think you are spot on with the idea of a march to the Bolton Building. The bad thing is, I have a feeling not many will show up and if they do, I don’t really think the CMR will care much. They will just put on their “concerned listener game faces” and won’t give a hoot when the meeting is finished because they are too scared of the governor. I am not trying to sound negative but if you can manage to round up a rowdy bunch then by all means, please do so. I for one cannot make an appearance because it may jeopardize about 4 jobs and I don’t want that to happen to anyone. For this to possibly work, its going to take a small army to march to the Bolton Building and cause a shit storm. And they will need plenty of media attention to help fuel the cause.

    2. Hey, that may be what it takes. Some real attention is needed to correct this problem. OUR TAX MONEY is being siphoned and used to fund boat parties and keep these arrogant individuals up in fine whiskey and loose women. (Let us not forget the fine dining also). They used to hang people for stealing horses….so come on Mr. Pickering, FBI, and Phil Bryant….what is the punishment for millions??? We want to see the trough sloppers get their just due!!

  8. Hey, that may be what it takes. Some real attention is needed to correct this problem. OUR TAX MONEY is being siphoned and used to fund boat parties and keep these arrogant individuals up in fine whiskey and loose women. (Let us not forget the fine dining also). They used to hang people for stealing horses….so come on Mr. Pickering, FBI, and Phil Bryant….what is the punishment for millions??? We want to see the trough sloppers get their just due!!

  9. Professional service contracts such as engineering, legal, accounting, audit, marketing, environmental…etc….are not low bid contracts. As long as there is discretionary money to be spent on these services you can expect connected and typically qualified firms and people to prove their qualifications to governing boards… and those connected firms will get those contracts. It’s not rocket science. It’s how the world works with every city, county, school district, utility authority, state agency, port authority, etc. is it right? Maybe not, but it is the world we live in. Don’t be so naive to think there is some illegal money grab going on. There’s not. There is even MS Law that states engineering firms are not allowed to bid based on the lowest hourly rate…only by qualifications. If you really want to witness questionable influence of public money expenditures, check out the 5 or 6 folks in the Bond Mafia that have their hand in every single CDBG/Bond issuance/tax credit/TIF refinance deal that goes on all over MS with our municipalities and waste water districts..

    1. You’re absolutely right. That’s why some officials just love to put the taxpayers in debt. They’re in on the bond action.

  10. My fellow Americans

    I was up early this morning enjoying a cup of coffee and while reading the news……yep, the DMR is at it again. According to the WLOX website the DMR has hired a member to join their PR team. According to the website the Public Information Officer will be Melissa Scallan.

    So here are the million dollar questions:

    1) Was the job even advertised?
    2) Are there any political connections or motives behind this deal?

    In due time I am sure inside intelligence will provide plenty of interesting information.

    Now its time to go mow the lawn but I’ll keep in touch.

  11. Polling showed McKay losing by a19 point margin. He couldn’t even manage that. The quality of candidates, or lack thereof, is reflected in the low voter turnout. It looks like Connie is here to stay, especially if my GOP can’t nominate someone better than Walker and McKay.

    1. Update. Official numbers are in. McKay lost his mayoral race by 26 points. Romney carried Ocean Springs by 10 points less than a year ago.

  12. DMR claims its first political victim,John McKay. He volunteered for this scandal and was paid for his service yesterday. On the news last night he called the DMR fishing trips he took at taxpayer expense a bogus issue. The voters would beg to differ. We can only hope now the investigation will proceed and he will be forced to repay the peoples money soon.

    1. Bogus issue like the $50 million of my money the IRS spent on conferences over a 2year period? Aaagh

      1. All participants think the waste of taxpayer money is a bogus issue. To recover $100. it costs $1000. If more are sent to prison maybe, just maybe it will stop.

  13. If that ENTIRE bunch associated with the misappropriation of millions of dollars of Taxpayer monies are not sent to prison for a long while, I am afraid that the people will tar and feather Stacey Pickering and march on the FBI IMHO. This is the biggest travesty and grand larceny is a crime. A big crime…that comes with jail time and restitution. Can’t wait to see Joe Zeigler and his brother-in-law Hewes, and Zeigler’s wife all lined up in stripes….maybe they will get the same cell? I wonder if they have any remorse over the lives that they have cost during this fiasco….I am sure not….the trash have no conscience. The RICO act should apply to this case and also the FEDS should apply the word “conspiracy”. Therefore, they can file charges against the entire bunch and round them up like the hogs they are. That way, they won’t miss any of the trough sucking swine.

  14. Better get ready to beat back the oil spill clean-up scammers when the Restore Act monies gets here. Maybe the indictments will be issued by then. They will be occupying the DMR office building just like when Walker was in control. We all know who they are. We all better be on the lookout. The consultants are another group that need to be locked up. I am MAD AS HELL!!!

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