Danny Abel has moved to dismiss his SLAPP suit against Slabbed

Folks tomorrow’s show cause hearing for sanctions is still on for 10:00 am in Judge Morgan’s courtroom while the hearing on the special motion to strike has been cancelled. There is a flurry of behind the scenes activity and legal has requested I not comment beyond that. I’ll likely have a press release on this topic sometime tomorrow.

24 thoughts on “Danny Abel has moved to dismiss his SLAPP suit against Slabbed”

  1. wow! better get housekeeping over to room 106, stat. here is a recent tripadvisor review of the super 8 in metry. the goatherders need to share that non-disclosure guest agreement.

  2. “Beyond Nasty”

    The room smelled of goat urine and feces. there were used tubes of carmex under the bed. the room next to us was making all kind of racket, sounded like a guy crying for his mama. we peeked thru the curtains and it looked like some kind of low rent law office. i think i saw a coke deal going down in the parking lot. the complementary breakfast was just some odd looking mushrooms, goat cheese and maple syrup. do not stay at this motel/sketchy law office.

  3. reading it now: Effect. Unless the notice or stipulation states otherwise, the dismissal is without
    prejudice [Emphasis mine].

    1. You forgot the bedbugs, ticks and lice, all assorted bloodsuckers, some even elected to their “office” or appointed, or included in the “friends and family plan.”

  4. Confucius:Once litigant moves da’ Court and deposits loosely researched, crappy (t)issues his later moving to flush is decreed too late as da’ crap has overflowed into Court chambers, defamed and injured defendants walking thru it and Court is mandated to Roto-rooter litigant with heterogeous elements of sanctions including adjudging reconventional petitions till da’ goats come home.


  5. Just read the Abel “pleading” filed in response to the court’s order to show cause why he should not be sanctioned.

    In my personal opinion, it is the most disingenuous and impenitent pleading I have read in the past 24 years.

    I’m not an attorney, but Judge Morgan is, and she will read right through the fatuous “public records” excuse. Team Abel: is that the best shit you could find during your legal research on Google?

    In my personal opinion, Daniel G. Abel and whomever is pulling his crank, used a federal court subpoena to try to obtain public records because they thought the subpoena would cause the records to be produced more quickly.

    End of pathetic story.

  6. Hope Danny is wearing his depends tomorrow in court…I think judge Morgan might make him shit himself when she goes medieval on his dumb ass…..

    1. I bet the tweets and texts and emails are flying all night and in the morning at Team Un-Abel.

      His “staff” should be there tomorrow while he’s getting his head handed to him by a judge who will later call him a girl. Instead, he’ll suffer the humiliation and degradation all alone.

  7. Somebody call Abel and tell him Judge Morgan just entered an order setting an expedited hearing (tomorrow at 10) on Doug’s motion for attorney’s fees and costs.

    They will be burning up Google tonight getting their opposition brief cut and pasted and merged!

    1. intersting question naas.

      abel styles his motion to dismiss “as per order of the court”. however in the body of his memorandum, abel cites a litany of federal rules giving him leave to voluntarily dismiss his lawsuit, namely rules 41(a) and (b), 23(e), 23.1(c),23.2 and 66.

      in fact judge morgan only advised abel that ‘if’ he chose to, he could voluntarily dismiss his complaint by a certain date.

      so why does abel insist, as per his heading in his motion to dismiss, that it was by an order of the court that he dismiss?

      1. Taken verbatim from his pleading filed today:

        “But those actions and the claims arising from those actions are no longer the concern of this Court as Abel has filed a motion [R. Doc. 47] to involuntarily dismiss this matter without prejudice in compliance with this Court

  8. Wow. I admit I was completely off the mark on how this federal judge would treat an obviously incorrigible violator of court rules and orders.

    Sad to say I was right about something I wrote here a few months ago – that tort reformers should follow this case very closely to witness the pervasive problems with the legal system.

    1. But don’t stay surprised. The changes in procedure and substantive law (I recognize the word “reform” for the euphemism it is) have only enabled the big boys of the defense and personal plaintiff side. Indeed, the so called “reformers” have worsened the system by substituting motion practice for trial – and especially when you have billing by the hour, guess what happens.

      I’ve seen it from all three sides, Not At All. The “pervasive problems” upon examination were ginned up in a manner to invite “solutions” which meant those at the table eat well, at the expense of those in te public.

  9. Not at all, you would be surprised to examine the so-called “reforms” called for “solutions” which favoured the big boys on both sides of the aisle, to the detriment of plaintiffs and business who couldn’t afford to eat at the table with the big boys.

    Far too often a problem is ginned up in expectation of a “solution” which worsens the pervasive problems with the system.

    1. Empire:

      Creating a snake in order to kill it is all too common in the halls of justice.

      1. Danny Abel and his mentor are good examples of that.

        By the way, you seem to be one who recalls why the kleptocrats in the Legislature refer to certain bills as “snakes,” no doubt.

  10. Doug

    Just got word that your roadkill opponent Danny Abel got sanctioned and disbarred. Victory lap is in order or at least some note on the site!

    1. You’re right Al. I was holding out some hope I wouldn’t have to completely crush the whole gang but Whitnergate had it pegged all along. When the time is right there will be a lap.

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