Sacked: Jefferson Parish Housing Authority members shit-canned by Parish Prez John Young

Drew Broach is reporting John Young has fired 6 board members of the JP Housing Authority.  In addition to the 3 board members that openly supported disgraced former executive director Barry Bordelon he also discharged the 3 board members that abstained likely because they choose to sit on their hands instead of discharge their fiduciary duty to the Housing Authority.

Political observers tell Slabbed to expect the Housing Authority Board to file writs with the 24th JDC for a TRO. Pop some popcorn because we got us a major battle brewing.

File this one under power of the written word.

3 thoughts on “Sacked: Jefferson Parish Housing Authority members shit-canned by Parish Prez John Young”

    1. The Wino said this was a multi faceted diamond but the bottom line is HUD is fixing to take it over if something isn’t done.

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