13 thoughts on “Friday Music Guest post: It is so coming”

  1. My vote for the All-Time Greatest- Val Bracy, without a doubt.

    Her punch was faster, more unexpected and more efficient then the first Clay- Liston knock down punch which had to be viewed in slow mo to see. Broussard, just as Liston had said ” Clay who”, said to himself “Val who”, agreed to an unsanctioned bout, walked into the ring overconfident and never new what had hit him.

    Many people today, including political ringmaster Sop, have played many of Val’s tapes back in slow mo and are still finding things out that had never been seen or rationalized before.

    Val, never was a finesse fighter, and came directly in with everything she had and never ever lost a fair fight. Instead, she got cold cocked and blindsided by an illegal rabbit punch from someone supposedly in her own corner.

    If Ali could still talk, he would undoubtedly shout, “SHE WAS THE GREATEST OF ALL-TIME!!!!

  2. The incarceration rate for women has increased by 800 PERCENT since the late seventies & CONTINUES TO Rise..
    What HAPPENS to the children of these women?…and THEIR Children…& the extended family?
    We are seeing the surge of destruction caused by the criminal justice system, who uses PEOPLE as COMMODITIES…
    The human rights violations committed RIGHT HERE IN our own prison system
    MUST be addressed.
    If the legal system WORKED…The crime rate would decrease.
    N’cest pas?
    It’s Warm bodies for rent from the state & federal government @ apx $40,000 per inmate.
    They even ship children around like lunch meat.
    AND Spike LEE & Catfish head MITCH LANDRIEU are spending MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on an AD Campaign to STOP VIOLENCE….rite?


  3. I think there was an element of gender bias in the firing of Val.
    Plenty of men have engaged in hard hitting investigative work
    in the Nation. But when a nice looking female does it, off to the
    chopping block. Message is Your just here to boost the rating
    by your looks sweetie, if you really want to be a reporter YOUR FIRED.
    I think her employer needs to review this matter and make amends IE $$$$$$$$
    Over half their viewers are women and many are sensitive to these issues.

  4. Thinking of Tim Gillespie and the Town of Shelburne today as they are getting hit hard with a blizzard and coastal flooding. Can you imagine being under water with no power and freezing your ass off!!

  5. This is a great line of discussion. The comments of Lockemup, Tom and Steve about Val Bracy are so insightful. What’s happened with her?

    I love her interview with the Judge about dangerous teens–like the ones arrested on the Garden District case this week. I was on the Juvenile Court bench in CA for 10 years and that Judges comments are exactly on point. Once an older teen is committing felonies, he’s really gone, set his path to destruction from which very few can return. The focus MUST be at a much earlier life stage if we really want to see some fundamental change.

    Patricia’s comments about the rent-a-jails is so important. We need to protect ourselves from violent offenders and obviously we need to pay for their humane and safe housing–for life if necessary. But the business of making money on non-violent drug users is disgusting.

    1. Val Bracy lost her job at Channel 8 after covering the corruption scandal a bit too vigerously. The station owner Tom Benson (also owner of the Saints) has several socio-economic connections to people very close to the happenings with Aaron Broussard.

      Tom aka JP Chirper is lurking. Steve is alleged to be one of my alter egos in Danny Abel’s latest lawsuit. Lockem you know.

      Some of these commenters have been beat down for so long gaining their trust will take some time. The events that I outlined in part 3 of the harassment series illustrate that which I am speaking.

      1. Doug, Thanks for your insights. I believe I understand what you’re saying.

        Yes, I’m familiar with Val Bracy– is she still in NOLA? I was wondering what she’s doing now.

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