I heard there was a major scandal brewing over at the Jefferson Parish Housing Board…..(Updated)

Folks Chris Roberts may do an excellent job acting stupid about Girod Jackson, but it appears his buddy from the West Bank that moonlights as a state legislator is again in the news and not for anything good as the guy shows up prominently in this  U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of the Inspector General Audit of the Jefferson Parish Housing Authority, which looks to be a classic Conprofit.  You have the Board of Directors slopping at the trough siphoning out obscene amounts of money for themselves, you have professional services contracts let without competition or documentation and over $600,000 in questioned cost were missed by Rebowe and Company, a politically connected CPA firm that supposedly audited the Housing Authority.

Even better we have Elton LaGasse’s former main man Barry “Da Bagman” Bordelon at the center of the scandal as he is the Executive Director of the whole disaster and was evidently double dipping because when he is not lobbying for trash companies like IESI he was splitting purchases to hide the payments to Jackson.

Barry Bordelon, the executive director of the Housing Board is no relation to Da Bagman. I did find this from December 2010 that explains this guy in detail:

The Louisiana Housing Development Corp.’s contract began around the time Barry D. Bordelon signed on as the Housing Authority’s executive director. Bordelon, who is not the same Barry Bordelon who serves as Parish Councilman Elton Lagasse’s top aide, previously sat on the Housing Authority’s board for 14 years and was chairman through each of the previous investigations. He resigned in 2002, around the time of the FBI investigation, only to be hired four years later.

The fact Mini-me’s grandstanding in the above article resulted in his friend Girod Jackson being exposed is priceless folks.

None of this is a secret folks despite the fact US Attorney Jim Letten has done his best to ignore the low level rot exemplified by other conprofits that have made the news.  Here are 4 links to posts that appeared on Slabbed dealing with Byron Lee, Girod Jackson beginning with this post circa November 2010.  Chris Roberts liked to act stupid with his Girod who? comedy skit but we debunked that bit of bullshit here, just after Jackson was profiled on Fox 8 for ripping off homeowners taking money and not doing work.  Jackson also showed up in two of the three posts I did on Byron Lee’s conprofit, the Jefferson Sports and Scholastic Foundation.

H/T several readers and the NOLA.com story for the HUD/OIG report link.  Car 54, where are you????


3 thoughts on “I heard there was a major scandal brewing over at the Jefferson Parish Housing Board…..(Updated)”

  1. The three monkey’s of Rebowe & Company strike again eh? We all know that no one in JP including the council has read HUD’s “Playing by the Rules” on awarding contracts any more than they read the BGR report .

  2. Oh mon dieu … Sop is this the same Girod Jackson that sits on the JP Finance Board … and appointed by. none other than former JP Councilman Byran Lee … like Lee, Jackson needs to go !!!

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