5 thoughts on “Friday Music: Dedicated to Aaron Broussard’s legal team both enrolled and not”

  1. Robert Jenkins probably needs to Mapquest how to get to the federal court. Tulane and Broad, that’s a different question. Broussard is like a kamikaze pilot, and he just added another bomb “load” to his plane with Chuckles Cusimano.

    If I were he, I would hitch up the big dawgs, like the “Whacker” (Whalen), Rick Simmons, or Mike Fawer. In my estimation, those are the GTG when you are in federal court.

  2. Don’t know if vimeo is supported on slabbed but if it is hope you enjoy. Would love to add a musical movement to this which flows with the music. The above is spot on. Ship of fools. Nice night for a moon watch if your on the west coast.


    1. Just came from down there. Saw quite a few people on blankets flying kites soaking in the view. Ther are few places in this area nier that way.


  3. Ima: Your reference to “Chuckles Cusimano” in your above post may have further implications then you may suspect.

    Seems when Chuckie,Jr retired from the 24th JDC and ran for Justice of Peace( and was elected) I remember in an interview his famous words for doing just that, ‘ I want to enjoy practicing a little law with my son’.

    After being appointed/anointed by Aaron Broussard to still a third additional source of income,i.e. a judgeship in Code hearings,Chuckie,Jr.might just be “chuckling” by practicing with his son in such noble endeavors as rescuing Lil’Napoleon from his ship wreck/sinking ship.

  4. Lock
    If that is the case, Aaron had better hope he is a better criminal lawyer than he was as a judge

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