Mayor Half Moon causes a ruckus endorsing Cynthia Willard Lewis over Stacy Head for NOLA Councilperson at large

I’ll be honest folks and disclose I’ve known about Mayor Mitch favoring Cynthia Willard Lewis for the council at large seat for about 2 weeks now and I expressed what I heard yesterday in comments after the angry recriminations hit these pages with the public announcement of the news.  I mention all this because  Willard-Lewis is one of American Zombie’s sneaky snakes of 2012 and her name has come up on these pages a time or two in connection with Fred Heebe, Team River Birch and the Heebe funded campaign to close the Old Gentilly Landfill which in turn insured more post Katrina debris would head to the River Birch Landfill.

The reaction to the news was swift, both on these pages in comments and in the local blogosphere.  Jason at AZ published not one but two posts on the subject and was way ahead of the game when the rumors on the subject bubbled up last weekend as were the good people over at Daily Kingfish, which linked our posts on Willard-Lewis’ connections to Team Heebe.

This is not the first time Half Moon has endorsed ethically challenged African American politicians for the sake of political expediency.  The difference is this time is Hiz Honner explained himself and it was highlighted by the Times Picayune’s Frank Donze in a story on the topic updated late last night.  There is a back story here folks that dates to Richmond being exposed in the local blogs that I will not go into but I think Hiz Honner was addressing the local blogs.  Here is a snippet:

“Listen. I’m a politician which means I’m a cheat and a liar. And when I’m not kissing babies I’m stealing their lollipops. But it also means that I keep my options open.”

Ooops wrong quote folks. Here is that snippet from Donze’s story:

As a white mayor of a city that is 60 percent black, Landrieu has to walk a fine line in matters of race.

Presented as he was with an opportunity to help restore the longstanding black-white balance in the council’s two at-large positions that was lost five years ago, some political observers viewed the move by Landrieu as the smart one as he approaches the midpoint of his four-year term.

Asked about it after the event, Landrieu didn’t dispute that notion.

“I’m a politician. And so I’m not going to pretend that I don’t think about political things,” he said. “I always do. And there are important strategic factors that you always consider.

And of course chief among those strategic factors is Stacy Head is her own woman while Willard-Lewis will be a Landrieu rubber stamp on the council. Jeffrey over at Yellow Blog harbors dubiety about both candidates and while I appreciate the systemic cynicism with which he views the political realm NOLA voters do have a real choice IMHO and it is pretty clear-cut IMHO.

While I pay attention to the doings in the City of New Orleans we’re known for our Jefferson Parish coverage and it is through that lens which I view NOLA politics.  The bottom line is some of my best sources have absolutely no use for Mitch Landrieu or his Sis.  I need no further convincing there folks but you gotta give Mayor Half Moon props for being responsive to the public and we have done that on a few occasions.  My thinking here is if the politician listens and makes an effort to accommodate public opinion then the people have something to work with as opposed to politicians like David Vitter who insisted on wearing diapers while cavorting with Gidget’s whores public opinion be damned.  Frankly the bar for Half Moon was set very low after mayors like Ray Nagin but he is a vast improvement over the last several NOLA mayors.

That said I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out Mayor Half Moon is a direct descendant of Mayor Moon and Mayor Moon was part of Carlos Marcellos’ legal team back in the day and it was such questionable associations that Mayor Moon used as a springboard to create the political dynasty we see today.  We do not put the sins of the father on the son here at Slabbed but a close looksie at Mayor Half Moon reveals he has been the recipient of lots of Team Heebe campaign ca$h through time among other Jefferson Parish based political king makers.  In posts and comments on these pages that is all detailed and more so the endorsement of Willard-Lewis fits on several levels folks besides race based politics the salient color being green.


33 thoughts on “Mayor Half Moon causes a ruckus endorsing Cynthia Willard Lewis over Stacy Head for NOLA Councilperson at large”

  1. I am thoroughly repulsed that Mitch Landrieu would endorse this pig. Stacey Head ruffles feathers because she speaks the hard, cold reality and gets things done. However, she is a head and shoulders choice over Willard-Lewis.

  2. My guess is that “not too many” Members of “The SLABBED Nation” live in Orleans Parish, as I do (and have since I was 19 years old). Tell me something: When has “Half Moon” or any Member of his Family EVER given a FLYING FUCK about “white people”? Answer: NEVER. His constituency has always been decidely “chocolate”, and everyone else be DAMNED. It’s simple demographics: Negros outnumber Caucasians in Orleans Parish, and Negros vote in a BLOCK. Ever since Dutch Morial got elected (and Sidney Bartholomy and C.Ray Nagin got elected), New Orleans and Orleans Parish have been living in “Reconstruction” times, ie. “one man, one vote”, with the white populace completely “disenfranchised”. Ain’t it GRAND? (Ironically, emancipated male slaves, who were uneducated, penniless – except for what they could STEAL – jobless and loathsome got the right to vote in 1866, whereas white women couldn’t vote until the 1920’s). And the rumor is that after Cynthia Williard-Lewis wins the “CouncilPerson-at-Large” seat, she has her sights on the Office of Mayor. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  3. Mitchell had a fundraiser for Mayor at Heebe’s St. Charles Mansion in 2010! After the dirt was already out! Come on now!

  4. To SOP: A point (possible) of clarification. I wonder what your sporce is for stating “…Mayor Moon was part of Carlos Marcello’s legal team back in the day.” While I don’t know as much as “The Federal Bureau of Constipation” about “the Tunisian” (Just what the fuck was his “real” name?, His Daddy’s name? His Momma’s name?), my Family and I followed him closely, because he was a competitor in the gambling business in Jefferson Parish, and wanted the O’Dwyers OUT, because they refused to join the MAFIA. But I NEVER heard that Moon Landrieu was part of Carlos Marcello’s legal team, although Moon and his law partner Pascal Calogero (and maybe a couple of others, whose names aren’t important) had their offices on the second floor of “Tac Amusement” on Washington Avenue, a building owned by John Elms, who WAS a Marcello CAPO. Through Elms, Marcello had his hand in the till of every barroon and small business in the Metropolitan Area. And for all I know, his hand may still reach out from the grave. But I don’t believe that Moon Landrieu ever appeared as counsel of record for Carlos Marcello (and if it did, then the “connection” was Calogero). Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. I took a short cut as I think the precise term for Moon’s role was “courthouse runner”.


  5. When I was younger and more naive, I voted for Moon Landrieu for Mayor expecting reform. Instead of eliminating the corruption, he just cut black people in on the corruption and called it good. Mitch and CWL is just all of a (Landrieu) piece.

    1. CWL’s attorney brother was engaged by Fred Heebe’s Schonekas, et. al. to file suit and used influence to assist Fred to close Gentily dump and Mayor Landrieu endorsed CWL and our Mayor’s right hand is Fred’s sister in law and the sister of Jennifer Sneed Heebe.

  6. The sad reality is that head is going to have a very hard time winning this race. Indeed, the ONLY chance she has is if Negro voters stay home in droves, and if white voters turn out in record numbers. In the primary, Head got 95% of the white vote; Willard-Lewis and Austin Badon (a Negro) got 96% of the Negro vote. Head’s total vote count came to only 43%. Willard-Lewis’ and Badon’s totals easily exceeded 50%. Only 16% of registered voters cast ballots on the first go ’round. And “they” say that Negros constitute 60% of registered voters, although I believe the percentage to be much higher, especially when you count dead people and Negro voters who vote multiple times under multiple names because they are not required to produce photo identification as a prerequisite to being able to vote. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  7. And one other thing, for all of you with opinions, but who reside other than in the CESSPOOL called New Orleans: This “separate elections for at-large candidates” was proposed by Cedric Richmond, all the way from Washington, D.C. (who said it would encourage “diversity”, ie. MORE Negros elected – the Negros are still beside themselves over the fact that Oliver Thomas is a felon who was removed from office for taking bribes, and that Clarkson, who is white, won his seat, while Feilkow, who is white was also sitting on the Council – “NEVER AGAIN!” said Richmond and others), and written by Hedge-Morril and Granderson, both Negros, while being touted as a “good piece of legislation” by “Half Moon”, who is ALWAYS playing to his constituency, which doesn’t include any Caucasians. This is all so transparent it reminds me of the saying, “Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.” If this passes, there will NEVER be another WHITE Councilman-at-Large in the City of New Orleans. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  8. Why does this not constitute reverse racism? If NOLA was majority white, DOJ would be on this like gravy on rice! I am sick of this double standard shit!

  9. It actuall gets “worse”. Here are a few of the “other” quotes attributed to Cedric Richmond, which elicited not one comment from the “Fourth Estate”, other than what a visionary he is, and possible candidate for National office (he’s even “prettier” than Marc Morial): The new system of electing CouncilPersons at Large will “eliminate confusion”. He also said: “For too long this complicated system [the “old” system] has proven problematic to voters.” And “The new system also provides a greater opportunity for diversity on the council” [He and his constituents CAN’T STAND the fact that the whites Clarkson and Fielkow served simultaneously, after Oliver Thomas went to prison for bribery]. And Richmond also claims that the new system will ppromote “like-minded candidates running as a team” [like Richmond and Hedge-Morrell, or maybe a “tag-team” of Community Activists]. If a white man had made any of these statements, we’d have heard about it on the National News. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. Ashton:

      Thanks for pointing out Richmond’s quotes. These are nothing more than code for reverse racism. Clarkson and Fielkow were duly elected by the citizenry (black and white). To question the process now is ludicrous.

  10. O.K. I “get” it now, The young woman’s name is Emily Sneed Arata. She is Half Moon’s “Deputy Mayor for External Affairs”, whatever that means. The young woman formerly worked in the Lt. Governor’s Office, in Senator Landrieu’s Office, and on Half Moon’s campaign (I wonder how much Heebe and his minions contributed to “Half Moon”). And yes, as per what “motherload” has told us, it would appear that Emily Sneed Arata and Jennifer Sneed Heebe appear to be Sisters. Ashton O’Dwyer. P.S. Are the only people who are predicting that Will-Lewis will be indicted “American Zombie” and “Kingfish”? AROD.

    1. CWL will go before a Federal Grand Jury for her part in Fred’s closing of and passing out funds to close the Gentily dump. Fazzio knows all and is now negotiating with the Gov’t. Any plea requires Fazzio to disclose any other criminal acts. Follow the money Fazzio as Copeland accontant and CFO and Fred’s accountant and CFO. Fazzio knows Jennifer Sneed Heebe participated with Fred’s knowledge and $$. Stacy Head needs to go on the offensive and USE PUBLIC OPINION TO OUT THESE CROOKS. Jennifer is one of Arata’s sisters Ashoton and guess what the third Sneed sister does for a living.

  11. O.K., “motherload”, please permit me to make a “real” fool of myself. We’ll play “find the bean under the walnut shell”, so I’ll get three guesses: (1) She is employed by one of “brother-in-law’s” companies, probably River Birch; (2) She is employed by the CWL political campaign; or (3 She is employed by the Federal Bureau of Constipation or Lettenemgo’s office. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. Ashton, Lockemup notes third sister Amy Sneed Kirk is now director of marketing for Fr. Quarter District.

  12. Do any of you think that Half- Moon would have indorsed CWL without having his Full-Moon sister (I mean … have you seen the size of that ass) tell him that CWL was not going to be indicted … after all Letten has to account to his real boss … the D US Senator who insured his retirement !!!

    1. Yes … the same US Senator that the Heebe-Sneedies had a fundraiser for at that slum on St. Charles Ave. only appraised at some $ 3.2 Million Dollars !!!

        1. Stacy Head needs to out CWL, CWL’s atty brother, Schonekas and Fred and use public opinion to show the half moon connections to voters.

  13. The SlabbedNation appears to be forgetting about Jennifer Sneed’s sister, Amy, who was at WDSU.

    Amy Sneed Kirk is now Director of Marketing for the French Market

  14. Pretty disappointing that Head publicly accepted the endorsement of Austin “the Fisherman” Badon.

      1. It just underscores why politicians have their well-deserved, horrible reputations. While he is in the race, she tries to dig dirt on wrongdoing she(and many others) have a reasonable basis to believe occurred. But then, once he’s no longer in the race and she covets his supporters, she turns around and accepts the Fisherman’s endorsement. I bet he’s not even that good a fisherman.

  15. That isn’t supposed to happen until 3:00 P.M. today. She already had a bunch of “losers” from Badon’s and Cao’s campaigns join her. The 3:00 P.M. announcement will send the Negros “over a cliff” (Sharpton and Jesse may have to put in an appearance for CWL, but the Negros will STILL vote “skin color”, in a block. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. COME ON MAN. Stacy Head works for the taxpayer. CWL is proved connected to Fred Heebe and CWL did her flip to stop dumping at Gentily dump after her attorney BRO got hooked up and paid by Fred and Kyle Schonekas. STACY HEAD NEEDS TO WIN THIS SEAT.

  16. So, Ms. Head appears to have won the election by only 281 votes. CWL is awaiting the “official” count which will come later in the week. Still no count by Ward and Precinct. And no count along racial lines. There were a little over 55,000 votes cast, which constituted @ 23.5% of the City’s eligible voters (not counting dead people and those who ACORN teaches to vote numerous times, under numeroue names. Even if Ms. Head’s victory gets confirmed by the “official” count (I’m not at all sure that “Absentee Ballots” were part of last night’s tally, and Ms. Head’s 281 vote margin of victory), I can already see the “bead” being drawn on her forehead by Hedge-Morrell and others (and that includes Mayor “Mitch-the-Bitch”). Ashton O’Dwyer.

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