6 thoughts on “OK I’ll bite and admit I know a thing or two about Lonnie Robinson. So whats up with the googling?”

  1. All due respect to the 'experts' on whistleblowing and the dire straits they face post-whistling but IMHO not blowing the whistle looks to become a much worse fate … look to Penn State and the 'good ole boys' who covered for their Buds…IDK but maybe blowing the whistle is going to look pretty good as compared to the excoriation and possible criminal charges the non-Whistleblowers face. Add that not blowing the whistle when you know of criminal activity is collusion and obstruction in some venues.
    And I would point out that if what I have read here on slabbed is correct, the Jefferson Parish folks may be looking at their own problems since it appears the JP Code of Ordinances mandates reporting activities like payroll fraud, financial shenanigans at the JPPAC,illegal campaign spending, etc , under criminal penalty of law.
    And let's not forget the ultimate cover -up down under in Grand Isle when the Mayor's step-father skated on pedophile charges thanks in great part to the stalling of the Mayor, Police Chief and District Attorney .
    God don't like child molesters. HE is real clear on that …and now everyone is getting that message across the world …football exposing child molesting cover-ups and making it an international issue?!!! Who'd a thunk it? God has such a sense of humor and timing.

  2. May I remind everyone Mr.Robinson is black … and unless it's the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ doing the googling, I wouldn't make anything out of it …

    Racism and Sexism, along with Corruption, continue to be the hallmarks of governing by these Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso …

    What would you think happens to a black whistleblower … the female whistleblower …

    The insult … Why bring in the black female partner at Phlips, Dungmore to ratchet up the retaliation … only to end up paying hugh $$$ settlements and obscenely outrageous legal fees for their failure to represent the real client in these matters, the Jefferson Parish TAXPAYERS !

  3. Lonnie Robinson needs to again start appearing before Council meetings and keep the drum beating as that is only what will eventually free him from his past persecution by the old and current Administration.Including President Young who hopefully will soon learn not to keep covering up the corruption but to expose it.

    As John Dean once said, ' It is a cancer on the Presidency that keeps growing'.

    Lonnie also needs to report the desstruction of parish records and his continuing persecution by the Administration and lack of proper investigation by the Sheriff and District Attorney to the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ as Gate' has mentioned above.

    Heck, even Vincent Marcello in his french quarter property has the decency to dig up the skeletons in his yard for proper burial. Shouldn't the JP government do the same.

  4. Patricia..your picture and quote captures our Jefferson Parish Government accurately.

    Additionally, accurately describes how Louisiana taxpayers define the current Louisiana Legislature…

    SPOT ON.

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