The Lame Stream Media is finally covering the Occupation of Wall Street

And my post on the topless protesters is getting lots of daily traffic. We were hip to the protest scene via twitter back in mid September and when the media wasn’t ignoring the protesters they made fun of them as drugged out idiots.  Now I’ve found the media coverage ranges from the really lame to halfway insightful but the best coverage bar none has come from the new media so along those lines I’d like to direct our readers to Thanks Katrina and  Judy’s post on protest. It is damn good stuff. (H/T Editilla)

Slabbed supports the Occupy Wall Street Protests and topless protesters everywhere.


6 thoughts on “The Lame Stream Media is finally covering the Occupation of Wall Street”

  1. the tea party and the wall street occupier types have one main thing in common. they both realize that the officials elected to represent them, gop for the tea party and dems for the wall streeters, have now completely sold out.

  2. CBS is leading off their 5:30 news today with a report on the protests (after reporting the Trailer trash lady from Arizona that shall remain nameless is not running for the GOP Prez nominee.).


  3. I've given some serious consideration to being slabbed's Wall Street correspondent for the protests.

  4. Kinda like the new AARP tv. plugs on their retirement and just in time to remake another wall street movie. Wall Street – Protesters Never Sleep. The Foxgop channel was reporting except for a few arrest this was little more than a block party. Yet others are reporting this is the start of riot's like overseas, time will tell but I don't recall them folks across the pond going topless. Let's hear it! U.S.A.,

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