May I have your attention for an important announcement from Slabbed New Media LLC

From the offices of the Manager, Slabbed New Media, LLC
August 19, 2011
Wiggins, Mississippi

For immediate release:

Slabbed New Media, having examined all the facts and circumstances of the purported lawsuit against the manager that was leaked to the blog via Mrs Sop issues the following statement:

Don’t worry, be happy.

As always we thank you for your support.  We will resume our normal programming tomorrow.  🙂


If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheeps to the slaughter. ~ George Washington

4 thoughts on “May I have your attention for an important announcement from Slabbed New Media LLC”

  1. Great news. Here's one from the Could That Be True? files. In 2002 a helicopter hovered near our home and took out my dish with its littler dish. Size didn't matter. Back in 97 a C-130 did a fly over our trailer of toxins at about 300 to 500 feet it held a box under the right wing near the belly. A few nights ago I was paid a visit by another low slow C-130.

    Just like my dish my computer has been hit. The recent events from the mill that kills involves the problem with DMSO and search engines directing our events to recent searches. I've BEEN trying to post since 3:30 with little luck. All my documents photo's videos etc. all gone. Got a few ideas for our prob, glad to see yours with the girly men is fixed.

    Looks like a political power pay is in the works and just in time for elections.

    Robert Marie

  2. Well that upsets me greatly as I just got my nose hairs trimmed, my teeth whitened and my best trousers pressed in anticipation of being, by virtue of residing here, sued for slander and malfeasance by the Trout Point Trio. They did try to accuse our justice system of being anti-American and homophobic. I hear they accuse our media of same. Wonder why they feel so picked on and bullied, they do run a 5 star operation after all, on our dime, isn't that enough? Enjoy your blog immensely, keep up the good work. And fellas, I realize your fellow Americans are learned in savoury foody things but I think they are just plain unsavoury.

    1. You nailed it Ms Ecosse. Any if the girls wish to posit BS it is only fair their track record be factually aired. They claim to be threatened by comments here about their homosexuality yet they use the same claim in sworn court testimony in Nova Scotia. Satire, parody are protected speech here in the US. And the fact record clearly indicates a trail of financial destruction in the wake of their business ventures as being common elements regardless of the country they happen to be in at the time.

      I was honest with the media yesterday, such screeds like the one the girls leaked to me are a cheap way to generate big traffic. While I take such threatening behavior on their part very seriously it is hard to keep a straight face reading their latest manifesto. This topic will not dominate Slabbed but Part 3 is in hopper but it won't be the "Outgunned" suit which I am still researching. In my opinion what is needed now is a really futile and stupid gesture be done on someone's part and well, I'm just the guy to do it.


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