4 thoughts on “Wednesday Music: Dedicated to Rupert and the gang at Faux News”

  1. There is a cognative bias involving the media and news that differs from expectations. But clearly in the case of Faux News only the wackiest of the kool aid drinkers are still in denial on this story. I.m gonna slice them up slow so as to increase the pain. 🙂

    I already have tomorrow’s dedication picked out.


  2. Pardon me for being obtuse, but just waht SIN did Murdoch and his son, and their employees, commit. From what I have read thus far it appears like “hacking into voice mail” maintained by a variety of people, some living, some dead, some “notorious”, some not. There are certainly WORSE things that could have been done. Indeed, some are being done right here in this country, right now, by our own FUCKING Federal Government. And I am having a real problem concluding that Murdoch and his son knew what their nemployees were doing on the “Q.T.” Just HOW did their publications “benefit” from this BULLSHIT? People have been reading other peoples’ mail for centuries without going to jail (“voice mail” is a new phenomenon). Ashton O’Dwyer.

  3. Ashton at best they were asleep at the switch and more likely based on what we know to this point is they knew exactly what was happening at News of the World. I’ll add they are both sorry sacks of shit.


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